Poland, where are you going? - Polish government vs cryptocurrencies

in #bitcoin6 years ago

polsko english.jpg

I would never believe that in the Polish government, all of 400 deputies are ignorant and idiots. THIS IS THIS AIMED ACTION TO DAMAGE POLAND.
Germany bets on the cryptcurrency, Belarus bets on the cryptocurrency, Russia bets on the cryptocurrency, Ukraine bets on the cryptcurrency, America bets on the cryptocurrency.
Poland blocks them because they dont want become you an IT leadercountry in the future (Sic!). The same crypto is blocked as Optimus in the past.

Germany created a Bitcoin Bank. Transfers take place via the BTC network! In addition, in Germany, after one year of holding the cryptocurrency, a 0% crypto tax is paid

German Securities Trading Bank Reportedly Becomes First In Country To Trade Crypto


The French finance minister suddenly became a crypto-fanatist. He claims that cryptocurrencies are the FUTURE:

french finance minister suddenly fanatic supporter of crypto


A high-ranking Ukrainian official offered to recognize the cryptocurrency as a financial instrument!

High-ranking Ukrainian official proposed to recognize cryptocurrencies as a financial instrument

ukraina propozycja.jpg

What did Ukraine do? They went a step further!

ukraina uznanie.jpg

Ukrainian Authorities May Legalize Cryptocurrency as Financial Instruments

The American equivalent of the Polish Financial Supervision Authority educates (KNF) the public and explains what cryptocurrencies are:

The SEC Just Launched a Fake ICO Website to Educate Investors


74% of the surveyed BIG companies say that Blockchain is the future, and only 40 percent of respondents said their companies will invest USD 5,000,000 or more in blockchain technologies in the coming year:

74% of the surveyed BIG companies say that Blockchain is the future


What does the Polish-speaking government say about this?
Cryptocurrencies get tax muzzle.
Taxes in Poland, including PCC, exceed 100%

[Poland Backpedals on “Irrational” Crypto Tax After Strong Backlash]https://news.bitcoin.com/poland-backpedals-on-irrational-crypto-tax-after-strong-backlash/


Polish government for our money will warn us against the cryptocurrencies and will spend half a million zlotys on it.
Probably the rest of the 100 million that the director's father from Toruń collected

KNF spend 500 k zl for Anti-Crypto and anti-forex campaigns

Polish Central Bank Secretly Funds Anti-Crypto Youtube Propaganda Videos


The Polish government is acting deliberately so that the polish people would be poor, that they would continue to be slaves and that they would buy blockchain technologies from Germany, America or Russia for next 5-10 years

For this sad end, let underline that the government of Morawiecki BELIEVE (let's underline again BELIEVE) that Poland will be a techno-tech high-tech tycoon in 2030 (after the parliamentary elections ;])
In 2030

Most of the text, made available with the permission of Phil K [Institute of Cryptography]


I think Poland will eventually be involved in it, they are most likely analyzing how to regulate it like most countries that were hesitant at first

Polska i Polacy to są mądrzy ludzie.
Za każdym razem kiedy wyprzedzamy inne narody to nas łupią w dupę że ho ho.
Nawet nasza konstytucja jest najstarsza w europie więc my Polacy jesteśmy naprawdę inteligentni.

Mam nadzieję że to co tu piszemy jak i na forach to czytają młodzi politycy i tych starszych potrząsną że nie tędy droga i czas iść z postępem i zgarniać swoich do działania w krypto.


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