Only strong balls win

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)

bill gates bitcoin.jpg
Some days I drive for Uber, and it's clones. I like driving, and I like talking to people. Most of the times, when I see even the smallest interest from my rider, I talk about crypto currenncies. Bitcoin, Ethereum, Steem. I like advocating, promoting this technology.

Few days ago I got an interesting rider, and even more interesting, advising conversation. The guy was maybe at age 27-29, obviously a computer geek. He was a bit surprised by my stickers on the dashboard.

"What? You accept Bitcoins?"

Surprisingly to me, soon I discover, that my riders knowledge in cryptos is almost as good, as mine. In fact, he was very good at this. A very rear case...

Finally, the conversation went into this:

Me: when did you got involved?
Rider: well, that was maybe in late 2010. BTC then was $0.20-0.30
Me: did you purchased them?
R.: Sure ! I purchased, and I mined quite a few. Even plain CPU could do this. Graphic cards were doing miracles!
Me: So you gained quite a fortune?
R.: Yeah... I did... sort of...
Me: ???
R.: Soon I got a new car, new apartment... some cool dress, gadgets
Me: Do you still hold some coins?
R.: yeahhh...a small fraction of a coin...
Me: you sold em all !?
R.: Well, you know...only hard balls can resist a temptation, when your asset increases in value over 800-900 times.
I sold most of them, once BTC raised to $190-$200. A 900x fold gain! Can you imagine this? It was insane

Me: yeahhh..I agree
R.: If I could hold them all until today, I would be a millionaire. Millionaire. From a miserable $100 starting doing nothing....ehhh....Instead of 900x fold increase, today I would enjoy a 10000x fold increase. Unfortunately, all are gone...gone forever

I really don't knew what else I could say to that smart, but unhappy guy. So we drove in a silence for a while. Soon he left my car.

Only strong balls win.

Never forget that. Even at biggest temptations.

Vic @onealfa

(top picture from


Great read, thanks. Well I think that Bitcoin is going to the moon and that guy will be still millionaire in some day! :)

thanks for sharing, 900x is a shit-your-pants kind of return so i cant blame em lol @onealfa

Great story. deja vu anyone ?

That's a great story @onealfa, it's always important to step back and look at the bigger picture.

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