in #bitcoin5 years ago

{A reply to a fear, uncertanty, doubt Tweet that I made earlier}

Since when is: 'Not a fan', the same as: 'I will ban' !?

If mr. Trump would state he is a fan of Bitcoin/Cryptocurrencies he would lose his own deal. He has to stand up for the USA$. It's part of his MAGA campaign.

So, what if a meteor struck earth?


If a meteor struck then at least a sock full of $ coins would be a good cosh, unfortunately bit coins are so rare all you would have is an empty sock, which wouldnt get your message accros very well.
There seems to be a bit of sense in all of his madness

The line about 'the meteor' was to point out how absurd the whole 'what if' conversation on Twitter was about the 'not a fan' statement. Which somehow turned into a 'I will ban' thing, apparantly.

What I ment to point out with the meteor part was that it could easily have turned the 'not a fan' into a thing like 'a meteor could strike earth and then what?'

We would probably not even survive a huge meteor crashing into earth. But if, and we really wanted to restart the money thing all over again, then the cold hard cash left somewhere in a sock could be used to kickstart the old system again. Or we could use pebbles, or pieces of the meteor, in each case something physical.

It could be a whole new theme, 'what if a huge meteor did strike the earth...' Some real good story material in there, I think.

the comment was made with a large tongue in cheek.
The older I get the less serious I become if I can get away with it. :-)

Sometimes I am a bit lost in determining the tongue in cheek things. Think I better unwind a bit, hahaha.

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