Bitcoin still going for the win.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #bitcoin5 years ago (edited)

Though BTC is still undervalued.

The forking splitting clones have almost gone into oblivion.

68% of the Crypto-Currency market.

Going back to the year 2013, Bitcoin {BTC} is close to a 100 USA Dollar. The purchasing power that comes with a 100 USA$ is still okay. When one mentions that private banks create money out off nothing, against interest bearing debt, one gets laughed at. And claiming this is causing constant devaluation (a drop in purchasing power) and has an economical crisis guarantee build in, will get one a 'conspiracy theorist' label. In the meantime this proved to be fact though. Hurrah, the people of the world must be angry, done with this shit, right...? Eurm, nope. In the meantime the so called 'deb' levels have gone beyond being 'solvable'. And Bitcoin {BTC} is somewhere at a value of 10'000 USA Dollar. The USA$ is about to lose its (commonly believed) world reserve status. Another sign on the wall that there is another world economy 'reset' ahead. Where another world war might not be the best choice to reset the global financial system, creating a new (artificial) world reserve valuta might. The reason to do so? Well, the private banks get to do what they did before, fractional reserving. Or in other words: create money out off nothing against interest bearing debt. Restarting from 'zero', but keeping the same faulty corrupt system. Which basically takes wealth from the many and moves it centralized in the hands of the few.

Knowing why Bitcoin {BTC} is an important alternative, has everything to do with understanding how the banking monetary governance system works. Money is the means of its believed power, dividing humanity trough wealth and entertainment. Fights, pro-contra, as long as it keeps people from seeing the shit as it is, it is okay, the more violent, the better. It is on 'the news', or it is called 'sports' and one can bet on it. Stress, scare-tactics, afraid to lose ones job, competition is always unfair as it is biased towards the best suited. Yet, many people are still locked into that authoritarian control system and they will believe any shit it tells them. "Not a fan of Bitcoin and other Cryptos", that is great news actually when stated by some puppet on a string of the banking monetary governance system. Of course the so called 'rich, wealthy and famous' of the authoritarian system are 'not a fan' of Cryptos! What did you expect!? That they would get Bitcoin {BTC} as much as possible? The banking monetary governance system is build on the centralization of power, control and might by the sword. That authoritarian thing is as far from libertarianism/ voluntarism as it possibly can be.

The fittest one.

Bitcoin {BTC} is decentralized, not only because of its peer-to-peer build network. It is decentralized because no human 'mediators' will be able to control it, mathematics neutralized Bitcoin {BTC}. Nobody, claiming to be a so called 'authority' decides where one can send BTC, nor from where or from whom to receive. To reproduce the whole blockchain, with all transactions is highly near impossible, because of the accumulated hashing power, from the start until now. With a current hashrate of 80 Exahashes per second it is highly improbable that it will be taken over. All the forking splitting Bitcoin blockchain clones, that tried to loot value out off the one and only BTC, are in the danger-zone. Simply because they can successfully be attacked and taken over. Let me take a quote from the original Bitcoin {BTC} whitepaper:

"...The scenario of an attacker trying to generate an alternate chain faster than the honestchain. Even if this is accomplished, it does not throw the system open to arbitrary changes, such as creating value out of thin air or taking money that never belonged to the attacker..."


And that describes exactly what all those forking splitting Bitcoin blockchain clones actually did do. Like I predicted a hardfork of one the clones, I predict they will lose all their value. That will flow back into BTC. Is it not amazing how the Bitcoin whitepaper seems to fit in perfectly describing how things can change and how they get resolved? The blockchain splitting clones had to change the original Bitcoin code to be able to get out off high difficulty. Their miner support is minimal, easy to be attacked, if anyone would care to do so, that is. On the bright side it shows really how tough the one and only real Bitcoin {BTC} really is.

The one and only.

BTC has come a long way since the 3rd of January 2009. Starting with zero worth, now being able to buy things worth 10'000 USA Dollar. Fast payment layers build on top. BTC functioning as a Crypto reserve coin and soon with Smart-Contracts. A storage of value, no more than 21 million to be ever created. How much gold will be mined? Is there an asteroid nearby with lots of gold? It is a kind of unsure. BTC is solid. Considering the 1 MB blocks, every 10 minutes, even that seems smart thinking ahead to me. The main chain transporting large amounts of BTC, huge values, while second and third layers function as fast and cheap payment layers. All backed by a very strong Bitcoin {BTC}. It is already an alternative and it is voluntary to use it.

Currently there still is a Crypto-Currency purge going on. Many greed based project will disappear, being Proof Of Work, Proof Of Stake, Tokens and what not, the will be gone soon. Those who stay in the top hundred will make a strong case for still being in the Crypto realm 5 years from now. With Bitcoin {BTC} as the most important Crypto of them all. Governments might want to buy gold, or other precious metals, but for the many it will be way more easy to 'carry' some Cryptos with them. Because all that Cryptos need is something to hold some private keys or a bunch of words. Will the old banking monetary governance system ever embrace it? No, I would not count on it. An authoritarian central control based system is the opposite of what Bitcoin {BTC} is. The only smart thing to do for those rich in USA Dollar and other old-finance kinds of money seems to be to get in Cryptos, at least for a part. But I doubt most of them will...

May the Cryptos be with us!


May the Cryptos shield us from the coming storm!! :OD

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