A World Without Work - Connecting The Bits

in #bitcoin7 years ago


As humans, we are social beings, we love our families, we love gathering in celebration sharing music, art and dance. We love to creating and sharing our creations with one another. We've invented infinite ways to create, beautify and modify our world. The boundaries of the human's ability to design is limitless. We create temples, castles. clothing, gardens, cities, vehicles, culture, fantasy, stories, ideas, tools, cuisine, art, science and even ourselves (personality, appearance etc) with ever expanding imagination. We are imaginative and lucid dreamers. It could easily appear to an outsider that the mission and purpose of the human being is to do just that - to create. Somehow, we seem to have lost our way. We have relegated the task of creativity to a small class of humans known as 'artists' and 'engineers', whilst the rest of us spend our hours doing mostly tasks that are mundane, uncreative and uninteresting simply to earn enough money to pay our bills and survive. That system has starved the joy out of humanity and it is time for us to each rediscover the creative and imaginative spark within.

Freedom is the key to such a shift. Freedom is both, the goal and the journey to such a destination. What if we were all free from the toils of survival. Free from the necessity to work 'jobs' in order to survive. What if we were all free to dream, imagine, create and co-create a new world of beauty with our time, efforts and minds. Imagine how amazing our planet would be if we had all 7 Billion of us living as artists - dreaming, beautifying, imagining and co-creating a wonderland together. When I close my eyes to envision such a unified & free planet, i see a magical world colorful, vibrant, joyful, technologically advanced, yet in harmony with nature. Imagine having the freedom to travel, the ability to continuously explore this beautiful planet with your family and friends - while sharing your gifts and unique imagination with the communities you encounter. Imagine living in abundance, health, peace and limitlessness. Together we can create this world now. It requires only three things:

  1. Imagination.
    We are all inherently imaginative and creative. Let's honor and celebrate that!

  2. Social Responsibility.
    Respecting all humans, all life forms on our planet (plant and animal), and our ecosystem is a baseline consciousness we each need to attain in order to heal humanity and create such a beautiful world. It is time to move beyond our egoic judgement and divisions. We must realize that all humans are equally valuable and precious. We must honor our oceans, rivers, plant and animal kingdoms as being sacred and precious as well. Human, plants, animals, rocks and water are not resources. We are all sacred beings and are all energetically connected to one another and to Mother Earth.

As this truth deepens into our collective consciousness, we realize that harming another is harming ourself. Through peace we are all equals. Is time to live in unity and equality, time to collapse our social, cultural and economic hierarchies into a more circular and balanced scene.

  1. Freedom.
    All humans deserve free and unfettered access to clean air, water, organic food, decent housing and travel. It is our birthright to be able to travel freely, to thrive in good health and to create the experiences of our dreams. Social responsibility, integrity and unity consciousness ensures we can each create our own experience without harming others, and without a need for external governance. Its is time for us to honor the imaginations and creativity of others without judgment and to in fact support one another in our unique creations. We've made some technological advances that can help us accelerate freedoms and especially financial freedom for all - which is key to unlocking our collective creativity!

With Blockchain technology, we can break the chains of centralized control and manipulation. Blockchain is a distributed, decentralized, immutable and public digital ledger that enables game-changing new realities such as the digital currency BitCoin. Blockchain is chronological and transparent with infinite applications. Transactions on blockchain are distributed so there is no single point of failure and there is no central authority. Blockchain solves a plethora of modern problems with applications in all industries including financial, economic, healthcare, real-estate and the 'Internet of Things'. Without going to deep into the details, bots on the blockchain and the blockchain network itself can do a sufficient amount of work traditionally performed by humans to provide an abundance of financial prosperity for us all. The idea is to let the network and bots do the work, while we all get paid, play and be free!

Steemit is one such blockchain technology that does just that. It is a social network similar to Reddit and Facebook running on the blockchain that actually pays its users for their content and comments.

I am also very excited about BitConnect which is a blockchain based financial system that pays its users between ~.9 & 2.5% daily interest on their investments. I have personally doubled my money on this platform in 3 short months. The potential is unlimited and one can literally achieve 1000% Returns over the course of a year. For example, by reinvesting (your earned profits ) in the platform daily which takes 30 seconds, one can grow a $1000 investment to $26,000 in 365 days! It works by borrowing your Bitcoin and giving it to BitConnect's ultra-smart AI bot who quite nearly always makes a profit trading your BTC on the crypto markets. For your contribution, you are paid ~1% - 2.5% daily. The platform allows you to reinvest the interest you are paid each day as long as the amount is greater or equal to $10. By reinvesting daily, the principle you earn interest on grows rapidly as the laws of 'compound interest' dictate.

"Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. He who understands it, earns it ... he who doesn't ... pays it." - Albert Einstein

Technologies like BitConnect are exciting to say the least. I have seen the potential for BitConnect, Steemit and blockchain to help unleash freedom, prosperity and creativity for all!

I highly recommend you joining Steemit and Bitconnect!
Join me on SteemIt. - @neonprince
And definitely do not miss out on BitConnect!! I'll be your sponsor!! Use ref-code: neonprince

love, creativity and freedom to all,

Prince Charms



great post neonprince! keep it up! and thanks again for following!

Are you threatening me!?

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