Bitcoin to the Moon? It’s Written in the Stars

in #bitcoin7 years ago All you need is here

Other prescient predictions made Human Discovery Platform’s resident astrologist include the following, which have arguably already come to pass:

May-August 2018: Bitcoin “will become a part of the global financial system”.

November 2018-February 2019: The crypto community will “not be satisfied” with state restrictions.

March-May 2019: Market manipulation will occur.

The report continues in that fashion right into 2020, for those who care to glean vague long-term market predictions. While most people will laugh off the entire story, if bitcoin bombs dramatically after February 18th and stays in the doldrums for another six months, Ms Vasyanova can consider herself fully vindicated.


Curb Your Cynicism
Commenting on the feasibility of bitcoin astrology is beyond the remit of However, one matter that should be pointed out is that Human Discovery Platform, to which Ekaterina Vasyanova is affiliated, just so happens to have its token sale starting in a week. It’s a happy coincidence that no amount of star-gazing could have predicted.

Speaking of coincidences, the period starting November 2019 which the astrologist spoke so optimistically of falls a month after Human Psychology aim to release their MVP, powered by their HD token. Could this be the “new cryptocurrency” that quantum physics and advanced astrology foretold?

Superstitions and Market Behavior
Most bitcoiners will give short shrift to astrological mumbo jumbo, but traders can be a superstitious bunch, it should be noted. Assertions that can be found doing the rounds include the notion that a new moon is good for the markets whereas a full moon is extremely bad. Going by that reasoning, could the close passing of Jupiter and Venus in the past 24 hours represent the intertwined fates of bitcoin and bitcoin cash? It’s all starting to make sense now.

Do you have faith in bitcoin astrology or do you think it’s all hogwash? Let us know in the comments section below.

Images courtesy of Shutterstock, and Human Discovery Platform.