
There is probably a lot of truth to that...

There has been a lot of talk about company called Caruna that bought big chunk of electric grid in Finland... It's mostly owned by Australian and Dutch companies, but also two by Finnish pension funds. They bought the grid from Fortum, electric company with close ties to Finnish government and pushed prices of electricity up over 100% few months after the purchase.

Are there no laws against that? We have seen that in the US with drug companies. They buy a drug from someone and raise prices, if there is not much competition for it...

I've tried to report some issues at EU level but they have zero interest in intervening because same group of people work in the court as the people selling previously government owned companies to multinational shell companies.

Of course. I think that is how it works most places. The people in power will seek to stay in power and they will seek to maximize profits while they do so.

They can push prices up as long as most of the people still can pay... When the prices reach critical point, the company will collapse.

Yea, though I am sure they will seek to get them to that happy-medium point ,ie the highest they can push them without things toppling over.

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