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RE: EU Nazis want Bitcoin users to wear a "Yellow Badge"

in #bitcoin7 years ago

I campaigned for over a decade for a referendum on EU membership. Online I wrote a post swearing at a politician, and shared an image that called them cunts. On the day of the vote, a copper came to my door because the politician had complained to them about it!

How many times have we been slagged off by the politicians and other corrupt scum (calling us racists/xenophobes etc) but no one backing us up?? It's clear the EU is a Nazi system and that eugenics stuff you mentioned, it's being promoted by the Green Party and their confederates. Although the post I had seen about one of the leaders of the Green Party saying it before had been taken offline (EU's right to be lost laws, obviously....). Thankfully the public has seen through the EU and voted to leave it, I just hope those living in the EU member States also get a chance to get out. We Brits should carry on helping them until the EU no longer exists and everyone is free.


I haven't researched that exactly but from briefly what I have read, they have proposed aborting 9 month old babies, or even euthanasia after birth, and things like that. That would be like how the Spartans used to throw babies off cliffs. It's truly a diabolic agenda.

Also the economic system, the regulation is just insane. I own farmland in EU countries,and the regulations are just madness. The biotaxes you pay per agricultural machine is insane. I have talked to many farmers, and they all hate the EU.

Then we have cancer causing GMO's, because the bio farmer is drowned under the taxes and regulations. And notice how GMO's are perfectly allowed in slavic EU countries, because they hate slavs.

Slav= slave, literally and figuratively in the EU, so they have to push their Nazi agenda, how Germany controls the EU, Latins are 2nd class citizens, and the rest of the EU are just cheap labor wage slaves.

Horrible indeed.

I would also question the UK's past too, because it's clear that the UK royal family had Nazi ties as well:

I used to be pro-Monarchy but the Royals allowed us to be kept in the EU without us ever being allowed to have our say. Prince Charles even stood in the European 'Parliament' and told them to do more about the environment (effectively legitimising it), but neglected to mention democracy for Brits! The Royals are traitors and are no better than the politicians and other scum that have lied about the purpose of the EU for decades.

We need real reform, clean out the shit and have people elected that will represent the public.

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