Wuhan Coronavirus (2019nCoV) is NOT going AWAY.. Is CHINA is Covering up... literally...?

in #bitcoin5 years ago (edited)

Wuhan Coronavirus (2019nCoV) is NOT going AWAY.. Is CHINA Covering it up... literally...?
Christopher #Martinson DELETED from Wikipedia..

I was searching for information on what was happening on the virus front and came across the information provided by Christopher Martinson, He has a website called Peak Prosperity which is a at https://www.peakprosperity.com/coronavirus-what-we-can-say-publicly-what-we-cant/

He was saying due to his information that WIKI took down his page , so I went to the Page and it was GONE and I searched his name and it does not exist.
So I went to the WAYBACK MACHINE and typed in the Wiki Page and sure enough, They have been taking snap shots of his page for years on WIKI..

I have not gone through all of his material yet....

If his information was not exposing a coverup WHY erase him?

The fact of the matter is CHINA has an historic COMMUNIST reputation for not telling the truth and for killing millions of her own people for political and economic reasons. I believe therefore that they can NOT be trusted..

#NPR has shown that the areas where the virus was spreading and killing folks were not shut down for over 4 weeks and even then, anyone who published information that the communists considered embarrassing or a threat were shut down and made to simply go away...

The #Quarantine measures of the hard hit areas were not implemented for weeks, even though the communists KNEW of the threat. People were leaving the area in droves to escape the threat long before the quarantine and they could have had the virus as it takes quite a while to incubate in the host, all the while being spread .

What about any money that went through the infected fingers of people?
What about products shipped from infected areas?
The CDC tells us to wash our hands and cover our faces and that the virus can spread from counter tops and bathrooms, and they do not eliminated the possibility of transmission through the mail.. they just say is is NOT LIKELY...
“In general, because of poor survivability of these coronaviruses on surfaces, there is likely very low risk of spread from products or packaging that are shipped over a period of days or weeks at ambient temperatures,” the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) " So an Overnight shipment? What about a shipment that stays in warm areas of the world? Bottom line .. IN MY OPINION .. Made in China now takes on political and economic ramifications that few are talking about but very powerful communists and western capitalists depending on their cheap products would gladly cover up. The WISH App and similar online apps trucking cheap novelty items out of china could, though not likely according to the CDC pose a threat.
They SAY:
"The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that people wash their hands regularly and properly. This is one of the best ways to reduce your risk of contracting the contagious 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV).

Your hands go to countless places every day. From the cab’s door handle, to multiple doors on your way to work and to the ATM to get money, people touch many surfaces.

Amid the growing coronavirus outbreak across the world, health experts want people to practice good hygiene when in public places to block the virus that may come from contaminated items or surfaces.... "

In the next breath they tell you that IMPORTS and EXPORTS are not likely to transmit the virus.. OK folks are not LIKELY to win the lottery but the fact is There are about 1600 lotteries created each year, which leaves us with 1600 unique winners per year. You can narrow down the number to 130 each month and more than 30 a week. So not Likely... but not beyond the realm of Possibility...

What would the economic ramifications be of all exports ending from China as long as the Virus is Active?

"First, for nearly four weeks, the municipal government officials in Wuhan worked to hide the severity of the disease. Then, when scientific disclosures made it untenable to downplay the crisis, regional authorities began placing quarantines unprecedented in scale and intensity over large swaths of the country.

Now, China is working to reestablish control over the narrative by shutting down individual social media accounts and reigning in aggressive local coverage of initial government missteps that may have contributed to the spread of the #coronavirus beyond the city of #Wuhan."


Thursday Feb. 13 2020 3:24 PM ![feb13corona.JPG]()

Wednesday February 5th 2020 10:16 PM EST


Monday February 3 2020 PM ![feb38pm.JPG]()

Sunday February 2 7 PM Eastern Standard time...


At 10:05 EST February 1 2020

![]() At 8:30 PM EST February 1 2020


At 7:30 EST February 1 2020

Jan 31 Midnight 2020 ET




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