Bitcoin Mining; Now is the time to learn about it and investing some cash and time...

in #bitcoin4 years ago

I've been Bitcoin mining for a few years now and up until the last few months I thought I was a moron not knowing what to do or what to move or invest in. With that being said I think that right now is the right time to invest into the Bitcoin mining for free currency because the future for most Americans is going to be pretty grim. I can recall when I was growing up there was always the idea of Social Security and how it was going to be the retirement for all Americans. Now I have no clue if Social Security will even be there for me. So I had to start thinking about the future for me and my kids, I mean how stupid would I be if I didn't start looking at some sort of endgame to this world I'm living in. So I started with bitcoin mining but quickly found that I was way to late for this to be profitable for me. And then I found CryptoTab Browser and this has really changed my thoughts only because it's a simple way to cryptocurrency mining without spending a ton of money only to get ripped off. I've been using it for over a year and even though I've only made maybe $30 off of it it's still gaining me money i didn't have. As of recently CryptoTab has launched a few new products which I like the latest 2, CryptoTab Pro for Android and Shortened URL's which you earn from simple click traffic. What I can't believe is that the youngsters of today don't seem to care in earning a passive income. They don't seem to see the decreasing social security. I'm over here trying to do anything i can to get closer to retirement and I'm so far I can't even see it happening until I'm in my 80's if ever. But I look around and see all these youngsters around me that don't even care about the future let alone retirement. I know I'm not the smartest person in the room but this is a no brainier path to a simple passive income which in time can grow into something that can help a person retire from the hustle of this busy life that most of us live. Even though bitcoin has dropped half in price I think it's a great way to passive retirement. Am I wrong?


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