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RE: Game of Thrones - $6M BTC Ransom from HBO

in #bitcoin7 years ago

Why have you started flagging all my comments now @transisto using @newsflash?? ... I thought you'd put all your progressive collectivism views behind you??


I preferred to reward the 57$ that was to go to this comment to the rest of the community.

I prefer

Mmmmm ... @transisto the social justice censor is out in force with all the righteous fury he can muster because someone, somewhere is going to say something he doesn't like. I don't care if people vote for a . period full stop at 100% on my posts - THAT IS THEIR CHOICE - NOT YOURS!! STOP FLAGGING COMMENTS!! (Period or no period!) Concentrate your firepower on the true spam on this network instead! Cut out the personal vendettas ASAP - your a clever fellow @transisto - this is flawed logic here my friend, and you know it deep down!

Please stop talking to me and respect how I use my stake.

Please stop talking to me and respect how I use my stake.

And social justice warriors shall try to inherit the Earth, using guilt and shame. No surprise to the above comment then!

All that I ask @transisto is you educate yourself out of your SJW ways by watching this 'Social Justice Losers' video by Sargon of Akkad. Their logic can be unpicked very quickly just like I did with your here in the comments section tonight. Steem on my friend!

I'm not downvoting your comments, I'm monitoring the 3 account, Snowflake & al. so they stop upvoting garbage in stealth mode. Sorry to hear that it fell on you again, don't take it personally.

Maybe they could share a slightly bigger cut of their upvote reward so they end up upvoting less spam looking content.

Maybe they could share a slightly bigger cut of their upvote reward so they end up upvoting less spam looking content.

Spammy posts I agree @transisto, but these are my comments. Whales can vote for them whenever this wish. Why are you acting like some kind of progressive disciplinarian on here?? You have NO RIGHT to do this to anyone on Steemit - whale or minnow! PLEASE STOP THIS WITH IMMEDIATE EFFECT! Your acting like some kind of social justice warrior that no one will respect on here in the long term!!

Since they only upvote your content you just kinda confirmed yourself as a spammer. Proud to be a "Some Kind of Social Justice Warrior".

Don't worry there are way worst spammers than you. But they don't try to hide behind the shame while bitching as much as you two.

When Social Justice Warriors Lose Control Part #3 - you cannot change the subject to other people to fit your argument - this is just a new level of stupidity for you @transisto

Isn't that ironic for the nation that yells ''Freedom'' from the top of their lungs? Or is freedom confined to ''as long as it's useful and in the line of my thoughts, believes, and views?'' ... typical SJW behaviour bordering on Communist! Typical collectivist thinking. I thought better of you @transisto :(

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