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RE: How low can we go?

in #bitcoin6 years ago

Bitcoin can of course drop to 0 relative to any other asset;...

That’s true! Possible? Yes! But improbable in my opinion. Look at Venezuela and now Turkey... Bitcoin and perhaps physical precious metals will be the only assets they will eventually look for safety. I do belive it’s just a beginning, more countries will have problems with their own currencies including US. Look at the debt we are creating, look how irresponsible is the government with money printings. Apple just became first company with $1 trillion in valuation even with disappointing earnings. Money has to go somewhere, right now they are pumping it to stock market. At the end, everything will find it’s true value. And I believe bitcoin and other cryptocurency is extremely undervalued. We are at the beginning of all this and I would hate myself if I didn’t try.
Thanks for your comment @jeremyrherrick


At the end, everything will find its true value.

This is a critical insight - one that is distressing for those championing the hyperinflationary/fragile economies you mentioned but exciting for us early adopters of this nascent asset class.

Also, don't mention it, @milano1113! I thoroughly enjoy discussing the issues facing our society - which many unfortunately disregard - and the opportunities present because of them with like-minded people.

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