Illuminati Symbolism in Cryptocurrencies #3: Qube

in #bitcoin6 years ago

I just wanted to quickly add another very obvious cryptocurrency with Illuminati symbolism: Qube:

As mentioned in my previous post, hexagons and cubes are definitely symbols that the Illuminati like to use and this one has it written all over it.

Another symbol that Qube's logo has that is not very easily noticeable is the capital letter G. If you look very closely, you should be able to see it. You can say that the logo looks like a Q as well but in my opinion, the G was intentionally hidden in plain sight: the Illuminati like to show 2 sides to every story!

Of course, the letter G can be found in the popular free mason logo:

Qube is a pretty new cryptocurrency and fairly cheap at the time being: about $0.15 CAD. It is probably one of my dark horses as not many people know about it. After just two days, I've had a +80% return. Get yours while they're still cheap!

Once again, this is NOT financial advice. I'm just showing what I believe to be Illuminati symbolism in cryptocurrencies and what I believe are good investments if you have the extra cash.

Stay tuned for more and as always, happy trading!

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