New targets set for Bitcoin, $ 7,500 by year-end

in #bitcoin7 years ago

At the end of July, a bold $ 5,000 figure by Bitcoin was predicted by researcher Ronnie Moas by the end of the year. However, the recent increase has made Moas change that figure by a total of $ 2,500 to $ 7,500 as forecasters try to keep up.

With this prediction, Moas also expects the market value of all digital currencies to jump from about $ 140 billion to $ 2 billion, with Bitcoin being the main influence on that.

The gates are open
Moas is a strong supporter of digital coins, with 100% of all his investments now in Bitcoin, as well as other alternative currencies.

"What is happening is that the floodgates open," Moas, founder of Standpoint Research, told CNBC on Monday. "I think there are hedge funds and very deeply pocketed people coming into this now, actually hundreds of millions of dollars."

Moas has been giving advice on the Bitcoin with a bold statement at the end of July, when I said Bitcoin would close at $ 5,000. Since the recent flood, in which Bitcoin breaks new records almost daily, Moas predicts $ 7,500 next year and $ 50,000 by 2027 - representing a 28% annual growth rate.

General growth
Moas, who has been involved in the successful selection of mainstream stocks with aplomb, puts this increase and potential to continue to rise to a number of factors, including digital currencies breaking into major investments.

Moas believes that digital currencies will become part of strategic reserves and asset allocation models in the near future as the interest of institutional investors grows. Problems in foreign lands can also help to grow the currency when confidence in national currencies fails, as in Venezuela.

"You can not see this as a normal situation," he said. "We are in an industry that is likely to go from $ 140 billion to $ 2 billion and the price of Bitcoin will probably move with that."

Money where your mouth is
Moas is a respected voice on the bridge between traditional trade and investment in cryptononedas investment as the stock picker proudly claims that 100% of its assets are digital. He had never before invested in actions he had chosen.

"I think we're at the same point in the adoption curve as we were in 1995 when we went from one million Internet users to 10 million. Netscape came online and we went from 10 million users to hundreds of millions of users overnight, "added Moas.


$ 140 billion to $ 2 billion ? do you mean from 140 million dollar to 2 billion ?

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