how can you get free bitcoin?

in #bitcoin6 years ago

Friends asked me this at least twice a day, but as soon as they understand, many are disappointed:

The best way to earn bitcoins is to "mine" them.
You can do it yourself on your own pc or join a pool of others people who are doing the same as you.
You can also pay a mining farm who will do the job for you.
Beware of the scams, it as been said that 99 per cent of these services online are purely fake farms who lure you with incredible income.
Once you have a mining capacity, you will get a regular passive income in bitcoin.

If you don't want to pay to get bitcoin
You can register on websites that distribute satoshi, subdivision of bitcoin. Beware some sites or faucets are also scams.
But the road is long until you get your free bitcoin.
The best faucets:
You have to register to
And then get your satoshi from:

    All your satoshi will go to your coinpot account.
    You can also try system, there is more faucets where you can get free satoshi but it is less convenient.
    For the players you have:, it's a lottery where you can win up to 20 bitcoin.

For all of you who discover the world of crypto, it is necessary to be armed with patience and read on the subject. There is documentation on all existing blockchains to date.
You don't have to be a geek to read about blockchain and crypto.

One more thing, It is obviously necessary to develop a strategy to achieve your goal and do not go and stay alone on this adventure.


So networking is important to get more and more bitcoins?

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.14
JST 0.030
BTC 62932.98
ETH 3353.92
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.47