in #bitcoin7 years ago


I woke up this morning to the unfortunate reality that it's still just a dream. But I think Steemians and other crypto users can help push this desire from the dream world into the real world.

My website business uses PayPal to process all its transactions. I've had accounts with PayPal for well over a decade. I have been using Bitcoin since 2012 when I made my first purchase. Obviously I wish I would have bought more. Since then and even more recently, Bitcoin has made remarkable strides into mass adoption. Japan, Australia and now Russia are making Bitcoin a more recognizable and accepted currency. Businesses all over the internet are accepting Bitcoin for goods and services.

What these businesses, countries and their leaders are doing is adapting to change and embracing it. The western side of the globe is more fearful of change and tends to fight to keep their understanding of the world in place. Who am I? A nobody and these are all just my opinions and interpretations of what I'm seeing take place in the world around me. But my impression is that the grey hairs of western civilization, the leadership behind the financial and political institutions are so caught up in the ways they know to be normal, they are going to have a hard time dealing with change.


Steemit LogoPeter Thiel - Founder of PayPalSteemit Logo

Peter is a giant in the world of Tech. He is well liked across broad spectrums of the industry. He's a political libertarian who supported Ron Paul so right there that tells you he likes to think outside of societal norms. He's open to change and his actions of founding PayPal contributed to one of the biggest changes in banking the world had ever seen. Peter is a huge prospect to bringing about the mass adoption of bitcoin and crypto currencies in the US.

Steemit LogoDan Schulman - CEO of PayPalSteemit Logo

A Tech Titan in his own right, Dan started his career at AT&T in his 20's. He eventually moved to sit as the CEO of and then to PayPal and has enjoyed many successes in business along the way. He's well thought of in the tech industry as an innovator. What's most promising for us, is his quote to the New York Times:

"I was born with social activism in my DNA".

There is no bigger opportunity for social activism right now other than the adoption of crypto currency. Bringing Bitcoin adoption into the PayPal world would indeed change the landscape of the banking industry forever.

Steemit LogoPayPal Could Be Moving To Accept CryptosSteemit Logo

What indications do we have that PayPal could be moving in this direction? On its website, PayPal has a Public Policy section that deals with Issues in Government Relations. Near the top of the list you find "Blockchain" as a main issue! Within that document you see this quote:

"PayPal teams are creating proofs of concept to learn about and gain experience with blockchain technologies and players to improve our view of the ecosystem and any potential impacts on our business."

This sounds promising that PayPal and its executives recognize the inevitability of the situation we are in. That adoption may have already taken place inside the walls of the PayPal corporate system. But when will we see this move from the inside to the outside?



Long standing financial institutions being the bedrock of the economic industry in this country and in the west in general, are NOT ready to accept this new technology. Their appearance of interest in rising technologies like Ethereum, being useful for the creation of Smart Contracts is not real curiosity, but more akin to a lion circling its unsuspecting prey before it leaps and strangles it with a lion pride of regulators and political legislation meant to suck the life out and render this new technology helpless.

The banking industry is a cartel that nobody crosses or impedes on it's territory. Hundreds of years of history prove this to be true.

Steemit LogoGrab Some Popcorn And Enjoy The ShowSteemit Logo

So with all the acceptance of Bitcoin going on in Japan, Russia and other nations around the globe officially recognizing blockchain technology, the pressure is on. Thiel and Schulman want to remain on the cutting edge. But the stalwarts of western banks are probably spelling out in no uncertain terms that this needs to be left alone until we can get our paid political whores in Washington to come to grips with what they are dealing with.

If PayPal ever decided to just go ahead with adoption and bring about an Alt-Coin type exchange within its website, it would be akin to letting the cat out of the bag with very little hope of ever getting it back in and under control.

PayPal CEO Dan Schulman, claims to have social activism in his DNA. Only time will tell if that is true. With so many people using Paypal today, this move could change banking in the western world forever!



I think it's only a matter of time until they start accepting it. Great read. Keep up the fantastic work my friend.

While I think it would be awesome for Paypal to accept bitcoin, I think it would be even more awesome to have a decentralized escrow-like mechanism which would hold the buyers money until the seller delivers the goods. There are challenges to something like this, but surely someone can come up with a decentralized solution. Does anyone know of an altcoin or future altcoin/ico working on this? Let's cut Paypal out and keep the fees for ourselves.

There is always going to be fees when moving back to US dollar. Even Coinbase takes a fee when moving your BTC around. Moving directly from wallet to wallet is easier to avoid fees but when you're trying to exchange back to greenbacks, there is no way to not pay the man. At least that I have seen.

Absolutely. But why would you want to go back to USD?
Seriously though, my thought was on a crpto to crypto exchange only. One of the issues we have today is transactions aren't reversable, so if you pay someone in crypto for an item and you don't get it, you're hosed. I'm looking for a mechanism where the crypto network itself holds the transaction in escrow and doesn't confirm the transaction until delivery of the goods have been confirmed somehow.

I totally get what you are saying. But many goods and services only accept US dollars. Most businesses who accept crypto (including mine) need to have the ability to change it back into US dollars. My local small town grocery store doesn't take crypto. I have to use what they use...for now.

Either way i'll follow you guys wherever you go. Love your videos and glad you are here on Steemit. I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for your videos on Steemit. Thanks.

Agreed, never heard of Steemit before Zac started talking about it.

Yep. These guys have it together. I am learning a lot from them and love the videos. Very inspiring. It's so cool to see that they made this jump into a new life and I love following their journey.

I just started posting some pics last night and wondering if you are seeing them. I'm hoping to start doing a few videos. Maybe some tutorial vids or step by step on leather and Kydex. Please help me get started out by resteeming and upvoting. I'll continue to do the same for you! Thanks.

hahahaha LOL, you made me so excited with the tittle!... I don't think paypal will ever do something like this, crypto will replace paypal in the near future!...

That's why they have to adopt it. did you see the quote from their website in the article? They are working on it.

Of course they have to adopt it, if they dont they will vanish... But i really don't have much expectations, they have been blocking BTC in the past and seems like they are in a outdated mindset... Crypto transactions directly compete with them, people taking crypto for jobs and articles makes paypal mostly useless...

They acknowledge coinbase as a competitor in the same document. It's on their radar. Trust me, these guys, Thiell and Schulman are inovators and I don't think they will fight Crypto unless they are being pressured by the Govt and the Federal Reserve.

This is actually Great, Sad is I have no Bigcoins lol

From the perspective of a company like PayPal who not only make money off of fees, but also from skimming exchange rates on international transfers, do you think they are more likely to adopt some kind of in-house blockchain that they control, or to use one of the decentralized currencies?

Unfortunately, I believe it will be the latter...

Well I got a lot to learn in the meantime so I can be ready if they do go forward.

Soon ,very soon 😎

I think paypal sees crypto as a huge threat.

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