Shivom - the Global Genomics Platform

in #bitcoin6 years ago


Modern medicine is increasingly focusing on so-called precision methods and drugs, so preliminary research requires an ever more thorough study of diseases and patients.

A significant part of the research (and expenses, of course) in drugs development is the study of the human genome. Pharmacy corporations want to find out as precisely as possible how exactly people with this or that combination of genes will react to their drugs.

Precision drugs created with the genetic characteristics of the "target audience" in mind not only allow a much more effective treatment of a huge number of severe diseases but also have reduced risks of complications and side effects. Not surprisingly, this market is growing in leaps and bounds: today the precision medicine market volume is more than 112 billion dollars (with a total health care market volume of almost 9 trillion).

However, today, developers are forced to obtain genetic data from third-party companies that often receive biomaterial with questionable methods and can not vouch for its authenticity and accuracy. At the same time, there are relatively few such companies, which allows them to over-inflate prices for information. Real owners of genetic data - donors - do not get almost anything.

Shivom solution

Shivom creates a global hub of genetic information that unites several services into a single ecosystem. Users will be able to sell their genetic data to companies for study directly, without any doubtful intermediaries.

The use of blockchain technologies will provide Shivom with a number of important advantages:

  • Full transparency in the relationship between donors, the platform and researchers
  • The data authenticity - in the blockchain it is always possible to verify from whom the data originated
  • The impossibility of unauthorized access to genetic information.

At the same time, pharmaceutical companies interested in large amounts of authentic genetic data for drugs development, including precision ones, should become the main source of revenue for the platform.

Access to information will be paid for in OmiX tokens. OmiX is a utility-token of ERC-20 standard, for which users can purchase services on the Shivom platform. For example, it will be possible to use the services of genetic analysis and diagnostics at a reduced price.

Several companies, leaders of the genetic research market with adamant reputation, have already joined the project. For example, the 23 & Me company has already sequenced 1 million people and has a market share of 1.3 billion dollars. Thanks to the Shivom platform, the company expects to sequence at least 60 million people more.

Information on crowdsale

In total, 3.3 billion OmiX tokens will be released. 33% of them will be sold during the token sale. As payment for tokens, ETH and BTC are accepted. US residents cannot participate in the ICO or get OmiX tokens by any other means. Project's soft-cap is 10000 ETH, hard-cap is 75000 ETH. Register for participation in the token sale on the official website of the project!



well described man.
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