Bitcoin Penetrates $10.000, First Time 2020

in #bitcoin4 years ago (edited)

Bitcoin finally broke through the psychological limit of US $ 10 thousand this morning, for the first time in 2020. Most other crypto assets also followed the green. With that strengthening, Bitcoin has grown by around 40 percent since the beginning of this year.

Globally, at noon today, Bitcoin was observed to trade at an average of US $ 10,058, based on Coinmarketcap data . Meanwhile, the data search for Cryptocompare is around US $ 10,076.

The good spike is said to reflect positive sentiment ahead of the upcoming Bitcoin Reward Halving in May 2020. Based on data from Bitcoinblockhalf , May 12, 2020 is estimated to be the halving date or less than 93 days from today.

While the Bitcoin hash rate has been observed to be stable at around 107,360 Exahash per second, which indicates that the miners are still very active.

Even the highest peak in 3 months is not far adrift, which is only 126.31 Exahash per second as of January 17, 2020.

"Bitcoin has just reached US $ 10 thousand. And I still believe that Bitcoin can reach US $ 100,000 per BTC in December 2021, " Anthony Pompliano, a Bitcoin advocate and founder of Morgan Creek Digital, said on Twitter.
However, not all have strong predictions like Anthony, although Bitcoin Halard Reward is considered as a very important moment skyrocketing the price of Bitcoin.

Bruce Ng and Juan M of the WSR from Weiss Crypto Ratings (WSR) , for example, said that it was difficult to predict how far Bitcoin penetrated the new price after reaching US $ 10 thousand.
But they believe, that the level above US $ 10 thousand is very easily penetrated , as happened today.


It just penetrated 10k again, dropping back into quadruple digits.

I have been in this game for a very long time now. I wanted to comment and encourage people. A drop in price after spiking to a new level is normal and even expected. New buying momentum is to follow.

this is financial advise, so live and learn based on observations of the past.

this shows that this year would be a great year for cryptos...

Posted via Steemleo

i did not expect the price to hit 10000$ at the first quarter of this year but it did...

Posted via Steemleo

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