Last Hour Price Changes: STEEM:0.25 BTC:0.02 ETH:0.81 XRP:0.25 BCH:0.35 EOS:0.06 LTC:0.16 XLM:0.11 ADA:-0.26 MIOTA:0.71 TRX:0.67

in #bitcoin6 years ago

Cryptocurrency Market Dominance

Total market capital:


Total 24 volume:


Active currencies:


Active assets:


Active markets:

Name Market Capital (usd) Volume 24h (usd) Available Supply
Bitcoin 115,373,130,074 3,990,340,000 17,102,425 BTC
Ethereum 52,783,560,930 1,528,400,000 100,169,774 ETH
Ripple 21,368,715,189 271,281,000 39,245,304,677 XRP
Bitcoin Cash 15,270,913,625 378,301,000 17,191,825 BCH
EOS 9,484,129,305 648,750,000 896,149,492 EOS
Litecoin 5,610,708,436 278,599,000 57,044,671 LTC
Stellar 4,387,477,907 34,209,700 18,608,670,546 XLM
Cardano 4,247,113,425 62,110,300 25,927,070,538 ADA
IOTA 3,331,656,178 77,043,200 2,779,530,283 MIOTA
TRON 3,141,826,113 234,343,000 65,748,111,645 TRX
Name Price (usd) Change 1h (%) Change 24h (%)
Bitcoin 6,746.01 0.02 4.02
Ethereum 526.94 0.81 5.91
Ripple 0.54 0.25 5.23
Bitcoin Cash 888.27 0.35 5.91
EOS 10.58 0.06 2.31
Litecoin 98.36 0.16 3.80
Stellar 0.24 0.11 3.77
Cardano 0.16 -0.26 3.46
IOTA 1.20 0.71 4.65
TRON 0.05 0.67 14.16


Rank: 34
Price: $1.65
Volume(24h): $1,458,950
Market capital: $432,863,643
Available supply: 262,338,422
Total supply: 279,312,516
Percent change (1h): 0.25
Percent change (24h): 5.65
Percent change (7d): -11.77

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STEEM 0.17
TRX 0.15
JST 0.028
BTC 60191.71
ETH 2410.52
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.43