in #bitcoin7 years ago


💰 Bitcoin price on November 9 , 2017 was $7,125 and today at 7:00 AM EST $16,609 on GDAX . Bitcoin has increased in value $9,484 or 133.11% in the last 60 days. That is an average increase per day of 2.22% in the price of Bitcoin.


💰 Ethereum price on November 9 , 2017 was $316 and today at 7:00 AM EST $1,077 on GDAX . Ethereum has increased in value $761 or 240.82% in the last 60 days. That is an average increase per day of 4.01% in the price of Ethereum .


💰 Steem price on November 9 , 2017 was $1.03 and today at 7:00 AM EST $6.42 on Bittrex. Steem has increased in value $5.39 or 523.30% in the last 60 days. That is an average increase per day of 8.72% in the price of Steem.



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💰 BITCOIN 133.00% increase in the last 60 days

💰 ETHEREUM 240.82% increase in the last 60 days

💰 STEEM 523.30% increase in the last 60 days

Thanks for upvote

looks like steem growth in % has been the highest and it doesnt seem to be stopping any time soon, its projected to grow after the correction to about $15 - $20, this will be good for all steemians

SUMMARY Mountain View


💰 BITCOIN 133.00% increase in the last 60 days

💰 ETHEREUM 240.82% increase in the last 60 days

💰 STEEM 523.30% increase in the last 60 days

how do you think about bitcoin prices that lately always fall in price,
What is your opinion?

💰 Bitcoin price on November 9 , 2017 was $7,125 and today at 7:00 AM EST $16,609 on GDAX . Bitcoin has increased in value $9,484 or 133.11% in the last 60 days. That is an average increase per day of 2.22% in the price of Bitcoin.

thanks for post cryptocurrency news,

Well let's hope the trend continues.

Thanks for info ! Let’s hope the trend continues!

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.17
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 57668.08
ETH 2381.55
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.42