in #bitcoin7 years ago


💰 Bitcoin price on January 18 , 2018 was $11,560 and today at 7:00 AM EST $8,250 on GDAX . Bitcoin has Decreased in value $3,310 or ( -28.63% ) in the last 60 days. That is an average Decrease per day of 0.47% in the price of Bitcoin.


💰 Ethereum price on January 18 , 2018 was $1,041 and today at 7:00 AM EST $531 on GDAX . Ethereum has Decreased in value $510 or 48.99% in the last 60 days. That is an average Decrease per day of 0.816% in the price of Ethereum .


💰 Steem price on January 18 , 2018 was $4.15 and today at 7:00 AM EST $1.87 on Bittrex. Steem has Decreased in value $2.28 or 54.94% in the last 60 days. That is an average Decrease per day of 0.915% in the price of Steem.



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It is strongly recommended that you consult with a licensed financial professional before using any information provided here . Any market data or news commentary used here is for illustrative and informational purposes only.
Trading involves a high level of risk. Future results can be dramatically different from the opinions expressed herein. Past performance does not guarantee future performance. Consult an investment professional before investing.
All ideas , trade signals , opinions and/or forecasts are for informational, educational and research purposes only and should not be construed as a recommendation to invest, trade, and/or speculate . Any investments made in light of these ideas, trade signals, opinions, and/or forecasts, expressed or implied herein, are committed at your own risk. I am not an investment advisor, information shared here is for informational, educational and research purposes only and not a recommendation to buy or sell anything .




💰 BITCOIN ( -28.63% ) Decrease in the last 60 days

💰 ETHEREUM (- 48.99% ) Decrease in the last 60 days

💰 STEEM (- 54.94% ) Decrease in the last 60 days


💰 BITCOIN ( -28.63% ) Decrease in the last 60 days
💰 ETHEREUM (- 48.99% ) Decrease in the last 60 days
💰 STEEM (- 54.94% ) Decrease in the last 60 days
DISCLAIMER : This content is for informational, educational and research purposes only.
Please get the advice of a competent financial advisor before investing your money in any financial instrument.
It is strongly recommended that you consult with a licensed financial professional before using any information provided here . Any market data or news commentary used here is for illustrative and informational purposes only.
Trading involves a high level of risk. Future results can be dramatically different from the opinions expressed herein. Past performance does not guarantee future performance. Consult an investment professional before investing.
All ideas , trade signals , opinions and/or forecasts are for informational, educational and research purposes only and should not be construed as a recommendation to invest, trade, and/or speculate . Any investments made in light of these ideas, trade signals, opinions, and/or forecasts, expressed or implied herein, are committed at your own risk. I am not an investment advisor, information shared here is for informational, educational and research purposes only and not a recommendation to buy or sell anything .


For future viewers: price of bitcoin at the moment of posting is 8481.20USD

increasingly narrower.


💰 BITCOIN ( -28.63% ) Decrease in the last 60 days
💰 ETHEREUM (- 48.99% ) Decrease in the last 60 days
💰 STEEM (- 54.94% ) Decrease in the last 60 days


💰 BITCOIN ( -28.63% ) Decrease in the last 60 days
💰 ETHEREUM (- 48.99% ) Decrease in the last 60 days
💰 STEEM (- 54.94% ) Decrease in the last 60 days


💰 BITCOIN ( -28.63% ) Decrease in the last 60 days
💰 ETHEREUM (- 48.99% ) Decrease in the last 60 days
💰 STEEM (- 54.94% ) Decrease in the last 60 days
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Please get the advice of a competent financial advisor before investing your money in any financial instrument.
It is strongly recommended that you consult with a licensed financial professional before using any information provided here . Any market data or news commentary used here is for illustrative and informational purposes only.
Trading involves a high level of risk. Future results can be dramatically different from the opinions expressed herein. Past performance does not guarantee future performance. Consult an investment professional before investing.
All ideas , trade signals , opinions and/or forecasts are for informational, educational and research purposes only and should not be construed as a recommendation to invest, trade, and/or speculate . Any investments made in light of these ideas, trade signals, opinions, and/or forecasts, expressed or implied herein, are committed at your own risk. I am not an investment advisor, information shared here is for informational, educational and research purposes only and not a recommendation to buy or sell anything .


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💰 BITCOIN ( -28.63% ) Decrease in the last 60 days
💰 ETHEREUM (- 48.99% ) Decrease in the last 60 days
💰 STEEM (- 54.94% ) Decrease in the last 60 days
DISCLAIMER : This content is for informational, educational and research purposes only.
Please get the advice of a competent financial advisor before investing your money in any financial instrument.
It is strongly recommended that you consult with a licensed financial professional before using any information provided here . Any market data or news commentary used here is for illustrative and informational purposes only.
Trading involves a high level of risk. Future results can be dramatically different from the opinions expressed herein. Past performance does not guarantee future performance. Consult an investment professional before investing.
All ideas , trade signals , opinions and/or forecasts are for informational, educational and research purposes only and should not be construed as a recommendation to invest, trade, and/or speculate . Any investments made in light of these ideas, trade signals, opinions, and/or forecasts, expressed or implied herein, are committed at your own risk. I am not an investment advisor, information shared here is for informational, educational and research purposes only and not a recommendation to buy or sell anything .



💰 BITCOIN ( -28.63% ) Decrease in the last 60 days
💰 ETHEREUM (- 48.99% ) Decrease in the last 60 days
💰 STEEM (- 54.94% ) Decrease in the last 60 days
DISCLAIMER : This content is for informational, educational and research purposes only.
Please get the advice of a competent financial advisor before investing your money in any financial instrument.
It is strongly recommended that you consult with a licensed financial professional before using any information provided here . Any market data or news commentary used here is for illustrative and informational purposes only.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 63744.49
ETH 2639.10
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.77