in #bitcoin6 years ago

Production or manufacturing has become much more technology-based system. Today everything we produce requires various manufacturing equipment which are fully automated. The mass automation has increased the productivity and efficiency of these companies as well as has given them access to new markets to generate more profits for their businesses. Although the global manufacturing companies are adopting mass automation in their work process, still they have not yet accepted decentralized technology for facilitating their services directly to their clients. Hence, the clients are not be able collect the products directly from the manufacturers. As a result the professionals who wish to purchase a bulk of products have to purchase them from middleman and have to spend a lot of money for this purpose. But, what if the production industry become decentralized, what if the industry professionals can purchase their desired products directly from the manufacturers themselves? If that happens then there is going to be a revolution. The professionals can purchase a great amount of product for their own organization and the manufacturers can get the opportunity to directly connect with their potential clients, and thus the both party can be benefited more than ever. The Productivist has considered this case, and has developed a multi-tasking platform for both the manufacturers and the professionals by integrating Blockchain system in the industrial network within it to create a business-friendly ecosystem for both the manufacturer and the professional client.

To learn more about Productivist, feel free to visit,, or you can read their whitepaper from,
Decentralization means to break a system which used to run in a centralized process into multiple steps or bocks to empower everyone who is connected to that system through the secure network. The technology that is facilitating this decentralization system is known as Blockchain. The Blockchain first emerged in the market when the Bitcoin was invented to digitalize the currency system of the world financial ecosystem. This technology was invented to create a secure intermediary free, cost-effective exchange system as well as flexible network for the growth of Bitcoin cryptocurrency. But, soon the people realized this technology has much more potential than just to be used as a financial tool. That is why some new business organizations decided to integrate this technology within their business model so that they can harness the infinite possibilities of decentralization.
The Productivist is the first, who has accepted this decentralized technology for creating a next-generation production and manufacturing management platform for the manufacturers and their potential clients. The team has built Productivist on a Blockchain that is being developed only to support Productivist for creating the next generation Industrial platform. The Blockchain enables Productivist to connect with its clients directly through a secure decentralized network. Moreover, it connects the product manufacturers and the professional clients who wish to purchase the manufactured products directly, so that the clients and the manufacturers both can enjoy the facilities of P2P business, and can acquire more benefits from the market. Blockchain enabled platform does not require intermediary function. Hence, the extra fee that you might have to pay for buying products in bulk, it requires no more.
The Blockchain of the Productivist is designed in such a way that it can build an open system that has the capability to manage Manufacturing 4.0 chain of command. By doing so, the system is going to facilitate the manufacturers and the clients to transact and preserve their data in a secure and transparent network.
The Blockchain of Productivist has special functions which have made it a manufacturing-friendly decentralized system. These special functions are as follows,
• Digital
• Hardware
• Logistics
Digital: The Blockchain has a function to transfer a file which contains technical information like; .stl file (contains a list of coordinates from a slicer or Gcode). By doing so, the system has guaranteed the safeguarding, authorship, and destination of this type of file within the decentralized network of the Blockchain.
Hardware: The Blockchain of Productivist act as a connecting node for a manufacturing machine. This is a smart system which let the production to be monitored in real-time. This process runs in a completely automated system where your file regarding manufacturing process will remain secure and validated.
Logistics: The Blockchain network connects all the machines in one network chain, and provides the Productivist to identify the production time availability accurately and to enables the system to send instructions accordingly to each available machine. All the outputs are generated by collecting real-time data; hence the Productivist certainly has the potential to collaborate the works between machines effectively, than any other means that exists to do so in the market.


The decentralized network that the Productivist has designed has enabled them to do many wonders. One of them is, integrating Freelabster within the platform of Productivist. This integration has given a great competitive advantage to Productivist, by enabling the platform to be used commercially and to solve the problems for the bigger manufacturers. Moreover, the integration also has helped the Productivist to create a map of global manufacturing capacities. The smart devices connected to the Productivist Blockchain act as a peer that has the ability to authenticate blocks within blockchain. Another interesting thing is you can enjoy the service charge free system if you mine the Blockchain of Productivist while the smart device integrates a wallet for the system so that the system can receive orders and files for its work.
The process to get the opportunity to harness the benefits from the Productivist Blockchain is to join the platform of the Productivist. The entire platform is built on this exceptional Blockchain ecosystem, and the Productivist is catering numerous decentralized benefits for you to avail at an affordable service charge. To avail the platform service you have to purchase the crypto-token issued by the company PROD. This token will help you to use all the facilities that the Productivist decentralized network has to offer.
To purchase token please visit, for ICO registration.
The productivist decentralized system has pioneered a new era of digitalized manufacturing process management. This is a network which has connected millions of industries with their equipment manufacturers by facilitating them the opportunity to trade directly with each other, without worrying too much about the transaction cost that they had to pay in the past to the third party dealers. This is a system which has made the manufacturer and the client relation strong, by creating a direct communication network where both parties can do their conversation freely and through privacy protected decentralized network. I am using this platform as a manufacturer and I am satisfied with its performance. I wish to thank the team for giving us such a wonderful platform to trade directly with our clients.
If you want to know more about PRODUCTIVIST please visit and subscribe the links as follows,
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• Bountyhive User Name: johnmcgray
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Hello. I liked your post, keep it up. Good luck to you and have a nice day :)

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