ICO formation of the ThinkCoin platform with smart contract of blockchain technology and significant market solution

in #bitcoin6 years ago (edited)

The digital ecosystem of internet protocol is developing day by day for the blockchain technology and cryptocurrency asset. The blockchain is a significant invention of modern science and technology which is a chain ledger of data and information where data cannot be manipulate or hack. The blockchain technology making online based platform strong and powerful place for investment and use as a customer or merchant. On the other hand, cryptocurrency is the key element of the internet based digital ecosystem. The blockchain technology based platforms are using crypto for their platform as well as they are creating their tokenize crypto to raise value of their platform in a wider range. This platform are created or planned to build for different product and services. The ThinkCoin platform is one this platform in the digital ecosystem of the cryptocurrency world. Please visit: https://www.thinkcoin.io/.


The ThinkCoin is a blockchain technology based multi asset trading platform in the digital ecosystem. It is a tokenize cryptocurrency platform with the blockchain technological smart contract. This platform is a financial service industry in the internet protocol platform of blockchain technology where cryptocurrency is the key element. This platform has already created whitepaper with their working detail. We can know more detail and whole activities of this platform by visiting their white paper website. Their white paper web site is https://docsend.com/view/qgyaq2y. This platform’s new blockchain technology as well as cryptocurrency is delivering enormous opportunities to bring disruptive change to the financial world. This platform is arranging ICO program which will enable the development of the TradeConnect trading network. Please visit: https://www.thinkcoin.io/.
Problems solution of the ThinkCoin platform:
The ThinkCoin platform is blockchain technology based platform with tokenized cryptocurrency. They are introducing us trade connect system in their platform. This trading connect will bring trading to the future. The trading system of the all over the world is sticking in the in the past and facing different type of problem. The ThinkCoin platform will solve this problem with the modern science and technology with expert team. This platform’s problem VS solution process explained below:
Excessive charges VS reduced fees with blockchain technology: On the existing trading platform user face excessive charges problem. The user of this platform face so may intermediaries involvement as well as global trading create credit and financial risk which is make financial damage to the user of the platform. On the other hand The ThinkCoin platform is using blockchain technology to reduce fees from the trading platform. This platforms Trade Connect system connects traders to a global digital trading pit. This Trade Connect system has only commission paid which is a connection fee only. The traders receive rewards in return for adding liquidity in the system. Please visit: https://www.thinkcoin.io/.
Unjust influence VS Cutting edge artificial intelligence: The digital ecosystem of trading cryptocurrency is facing unjust influence problem. On the existing trading platform’s traditional broker models can have undue influence on both price making as well as trade execution. The cutting edge artificial intelligence system of this platform is solving this unjust influence problem form the trading system. This platform’s innovative technologies in Trade Connect system will lead to a network with a level of flexibility which system is the market have never seen before. This platform’s digital personas as well as unique cutting edge AI (artificial intelligence is the just beginning. Please visit: https://www.thinkcoin.io/.
Outdated technology VS full transparency of blockchain: The existing trading platform is facing out dated technology problem which is a major problem in the digital ecosystem of trading. Globally, trading is stuck in outdated technology which are decades old, resulting in lack of flexibility. As a result trading user are facing different type problem. On the other hand, the ThinkCoin platform is using new technology blockchain which has mad revolutionary change in the online digital ecosystem. For the Blockchain technology this platform is full transparent as well as participants will have full access and direct control over their funds and assets. This platform is verifying every contract on the network as well as all is settling automatically.
Trading funds are at risk VS direct trading without intermediaries: On the existing trading system is facing risk on the trader’s funds. This trading system is transferring funds to the broker’s account with an unnecessary element of risk. This risk is making user of the platform more conscious and tense. On the other hand, this platform is using direct trading method without any intermediaries. The Trade Connect system of this platform will allow individuals as well as institution to trade directly with one another. The Trade Connect system is also taking out intermediaries and creating a balanced playing field. These fields’ players are large and small trade as equals. Please visit: https://www.thinkcoin.io/.
ThinkCoin token processing systm:
The ThinkCoin platform is blockchain technological based platform on the tokenized cryptocurrency in the digital ecosystem. The ThinkCoin platform is blockchain technology based platform for trading platform with the Trade Connect system is token is a cryptocurrency designed to allow trading in financial products as well as cryptocurrencies for both individuals and institutions on a level playlist field. We can know more about this investment platform by visiting https://www.thinkcoin.io/ web site. This platform has created token to sale in the token sale event. Their token detail is given below:
• The name of the token in this platform is ThinkCoin Token (TCO token).
• The Total supply of the TCO token is 50, 00, 00, 000 tokens.
• The total allocation of this tokens is 30, 00, 00, 000 TCO token.
• The hard cap limitation of this platform is $ 3, 00, 00, 000 USD and the soft cap limitation of this platform is $ 50, 00, 000 USD.
• Their acceptable currencies are BTC, ETH, BCH, LTC and Fiat.
• This platforms token sale event will occur in three phase. The token sale phases are Pre sale, Pre ICO and ICO.
The ThinkCoin platform is going to change trading forever with the help of the blockchain technology in the digital ecosystem. It is a blockchain technology based multi asset trading platform in the digital ecosystem. Their created token allocation process is given below:
• The ThinkCoin platform will allocate 60% of their total token for pre ICO and ICO participants.
• This platform will allocate 24% of their total issued token for retained program of this platform.
• The team of this platform will get 15% of their total issued token.
• They will allocate 1% of their total issued tokens for the bounties of this platform.
The token sale phases are Pre sale, Pre ICO and ICO. The Pre Sale of the ICO (initial coin offering) program in this platform will held form 5th March to 2nd April of year 2018. The Pre ICO of the ICO (initial coin offering) program in this platform will held form 3rd April to 14th May of year 2018. The ICO of the ICO (initial coin offering) program in this platform will hold form 15th May to 25th May of year 2018. Please visit: https://www.thinkcoin.io/.
At the conclusion of above discussion we can say, the ThinkCoin is a blockchain technological decentralize platform of tokenize crypto currency in the digital ecosystem. We can know more about this investment platform by visiting https://www.thinkcoin.io/ web site.
Want to know more about, the THINKCOIN project, feel free to visit the following links,
• Company Website: https://www.thinkcoin.io/
• Whitepaper Link: https://docsend.com/view/qgyaq2y
Curious what people are thinking about THINKCOIN project, then join and subscribe the following links,
• Instagram Feed: https://www.instagram.com/thinkcoin/
• Linkedin Feed: https://www.linkedin.com/company/thinkcointoken/
• Telegram Group: https://t.me/thinkcointoken
• Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/ThinkCoinToken/
• Twitter Pages: https://twitter.com/ThinkCoinToken
• BitCoinTalk Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3077146.0
• Medium: https://medium.com/thinkcointoken
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• Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/thinkcoin/
• BitcoinTalk User Name: group.skynetbd
• BitcoinTalk profile Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1300404
• Telegram ID: @bolpal
• ETH Wallet: 0x0C661A4AFcc95e43f121b2240ed453f2F8e41CE3


This is the document which is informative and easy to understand about the ThinkCoin platform. We can know all about this platform from this document which is helping us to know the ICO processing of the platform.

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