in #bitcoin6 years ago

In the present decade, we are live in the information age. 21st century basically depending on the information and technology base activity. Every day we are using many information and technology which makes our life more comfortable and easy. Information age which is makes our life more efficient and reliable. Cyberworld is one of the vital elements of the information age. Everything we are done by the cyber world such as online banking, online shopping, online education, communications most of the thing, we are using the cyber world. Cyberworld is vast and digital. It is a virtual world where people can connect with each other within a single moment. Most of the activity is related to and dependent on the cyber world base service. In the present day, there is a huge amount of the service are available in our life over the cyber world. But all the activity in the cyber world is not safe for us. They are many threats are income to destroy our data, information and device also. So that people are trying to find a new solution to protect and prevent the cyber attract and try to save their information as well as device also. Day by day cybercrime is increasing with an alarming number such as hackers, data trackers, spamming, malfunctioning, virus etc. All the activity is really threaded for individuals and organizations also. HIROIC.COM develop a new solution to predict and prevent all types of cyber-attack by utilizing the most advanced technology such as Blockchain technology, big data and the Artificial Intelligence (AI) facility. They develop a complete safeguard for the people as they can use the cyber world without any threats. They develop the cybersecurity with the advanced level next-generation base security system which can predict the threats by utilizing the Artificial Intelligence (AI) system and take relevant action to protect the data, information and as well as the device also. All the cybersecurity are provided by the decentralized system by making sure every people can use this solution to protect their data, information and also the device. For more knowledge, you can visit their following links, https://tokensale.heroic.com/


In the present day, every company or organization allocated their token for the better developments and they also allocate the token for the sale as they can gain more capital to run the mega projects. HIROIC.COM also allocated their tone to their several departments and operations. All the token allocation details are given below and for more knowledge, you can visit their following links, https://tokensale.heroic.com/

• TOKEN SALE AND BONUS: Every company or organization allocated token for the sale in the marketplace. For make sure they can generate more capital from the market and develop themselves. By the token sale company also utilize the capital for the operation purpose. On the other hand, the bonus is another major activity for a company, by the bonus, the company attracts more token buyers and gain more capital. For the token sale and bonus purpose platform allocated 50% of the token for this operations.

• ECOSYSTEM INCENTIVES: Every company or organization has own ecosystem for the better service and performance providing. Ecosystem maintains the company business and strong ecosystem can provide the sure success in the business field. HIROIC.COM allocated 25% token for the ecosystem development and their operations purpose.

• HEROIC GROWTH FUND: Growth fund is more important for every company or organization. With the growth, Fund Company can generate their fund for the future investment and operation also. Platform allocated 25% token for develops and operate the platform growth fund for the better future.


Fund allocation is a most important activity for a company or organization, Good and efficient funding can make the success and gain profit for the platform. All the HIROIC.COM fund allocation structure details are given below and for more knowledge, you can visit their following links, https://tokensale.heroic.com/

• DEVELOPMENTS: Developments is one of the major operations of the company. By the development company can increase their service or production. The development department is trying to maintain every sector of the development on the platform. It is huge and hard activity. On the other hand for the developments purpose company needs to the huge amount of the fund for these operations. Development is a tough and long-term activity. Every company wants to develop themselves so that they spent a huge amount of the fund for the developments. HIROIC.COM allocated 42% fund for the development purpose and their activity.

• OPERATIONS: Operations is another most vital major element for a company or organizations. Operation department handles and maintains all the operations such as projects operations, service operation, organizational operations, marketing operations, accounting operations, financing operations, Human Resource Management (HRM) operations, Management operations etc. All the operation is controlled by the operating departments. Therefore operations departments need to the vast amount of the fund to run the wheel of operations activity. For the better operational service and developments, HIROIC.COM allocated 22% of the fund for this course of action.

• MARKETING: Marketing is the most important elements for organizations. By the marketing activity, organizations can spread their business area and they can provide their product and services to the people within a moment. Marketing is the most efficient and reliable medium to reach the maximum number of people anywhere and anytime. There are major components in the marketing which are a product, price place and promotions that is called 4ps. By combining all 4ps can success a marketing operation. On the other hand in the marketing operation, there are supposed to be advertising, billboard, digital marketing and other promotional activity. Platform allocated 18% of the fund for the marketing operation and development of these departments as they can more efficient on these operations.

• HEROIC TEAM: Team is the most vital and important element for a company, to develop the team for the better efficiency over the activity platform allocated 10% of the fund for their development and operations

• HEROIC PARTNERS: For the partners Platform allocated 5% of the fund for their development and operations.

• LEGAL: Legal is a most important operation for organizations. By the legal department, Platform does their all legal activity by these operations. To develop the legal departments and their operations HIROIC.COM allocate 3% of the fund for them.

Cyberworld is vast and we are all directly and indirectly depended on and connected with the cyber world. Cyberworld makes our life more efficient and easy. By the cyber world, we can connect everywhere of the world. But the cyber world is not safe anymore because of the cyber threat such as hacking, data tracking, virus, malware and spam which is spoilt our impotent data, information and device also. They utilize the most advanced technology like Blockchain technology, big data and Artificial Intelligence (AI) system to provide the ultimate security upon the cybersecurity. For more information, you can read their white paper to the following links, https://tokensale.heroic.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/HEROIC_White_Paper_V1.pdf

For more information, you can visit the following links,

• Company Website: https://heroic.com/
• Twitter Pages: https://twitter.com/heroiccyber
• Facebook Page Link: https://www.facebook.com/heroiccybersecurity/
• Linkedin Profile Link: https://www.linkedin.com/company/heroic-cybersecurity
• Whitepaper Link: https://tokensale.heroic.com/wp-content/uploads/HEROIC_Whitepaper_V1.pdf
• Medium Blog Link: https://medium.com/heroic-com
• Youtubue Channel Link: https://www.youtube.com/c/HEROICCybersecurity
• Telegram Group: https://t.me/heroicdotcom

• BitcoinTalk User Name: lolaguffey
• BitcoinTalk Profile Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1272490

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