FRELDO provide you most secure and efficient platform with the social media base business facility system

in #bitcoin6 years ago

FRELDO presents a new platform where people can get every facility to develop and small and the medium business platform. They develop the platform with the with the social media base business solution system. On the other hand they develop the platform with the Blockchain technology. For more information, you can visit their website the following links,


FRELDO is a digital smart interface for the online base social media marketing and business supportive facility service platform into virtual platform. So that FRELDO develops it for the smart mobile phone for easy and efficient operations. As the user can use it with the very reliable way and it is a very user-friendly system for every people. They develop the interface for the iOS and the Android operations system and the app are available on the iOS and the Android store for using this platform. Here the app provides users with user ID and the password for the secure access. It is the very secure system for all. With the mobile app, people can do every legal transactions operation. On the other hand, people can place the delivery by the mobile app and they can observe the entire delivery path by the smartphone. For the smart delivery platform develop the mobile app as people can get the most efficient and easiest delivery facility by the platform. By the mobile app people can do every marketing operation and business operation anywhere of the world. The mobile app is so secure and smart. It is a compact facility system as people can operate every details of their business platform. It is highly secure and efficient system for the people. For more information, you can visit their website the following links,


Industry practices and establishes itself as the FRELDO platform collaborate with the Smart and digital social media base business facility system to integrate with the Blockchain smart contract system base guidelines for internal and external compliance. All the operations are collaborating with the smart contract system and Blockchain based system to provide people with maximum protections security over the operations. All the operations are monitories by the automatic and systematic system operations. The core competence for the FRELDO token ecosystem they design it for the facilitate transactions and operations over the platform. The security guideline includes recovery phrases and key access control code. They maintain high-security conduction for the better service to the people. This is robot and drone base delivery system so that this platform needs an unbreakable security system for the better performance. For the security purpose platform already instigated with the Blockchain technology and smart contract system. The security facility is providing by the platform are given below

• Marketplaces Facility
• Market search Facility
• Smart contract system
• Website facility system
• Several Payment systems
• Crypto Base token system
• Invoice system
• Blockchain technology


Fund is the most important components for the platform. By the fund platform can develop and operate all the operation for the better service. Without fund no platform can run yet. Fund is the main core of the platform. All the fund distribution structure details are given below

Development and Implementation of the Blockchain Technology: Development is major activity of the platform. By the development platform can develop each and every part of the platform. Development is more expansive operation for the platform. There is several types’ development operation of the platform. Development is most important operational department where all the new invasion, plan, operations etc. are research. RND made the most efficient goods and services to the people and make it at maximum profit. In the development operational department operate by the experience and expert people. Their main duty make a project and research it, find out it’s possible lakes, barrier, and the problems and also find out the maximum solution over the projects. On the other hand Blockchain technology is most important elements for the platform. Now a days Blockchain technology is most popular technology system for the platform. This technology makes the platform more secure and efficient. Another reason Blockchain technology makes the platform decentralized. 35% of the fund is allocated for the developments and the Blockchain technology operation system.

Increase Platform Security: Security is the most vital operation for the platform. Without security platform is nothing. This platform is based on the social media base business supportive platform. As a result platform needs to develop a strong security system for the platform. To develop the security system and operate the security system platform allocated 105 of the fund for this operation purpose.

Marketing and Attracting New Users: A business organization makes his profit by the marketing operations. Because of marketing influence the people to use their goods and services. So every business organization spend huge amount for the money in this sector. FRELDO provide fund for market development and marketing promotions they allocated 35% of the fund for this operations. It also included the educational operations. For the market research we get new idea and plan and make it at the educational operations. By the marketing platform can reach maximum number or the audience within a moment. Marketing operation is increasing the platforms customers.

Customer Service and Support: To develop the customer service and support system platform allocated 15% of the fund for these operations.

Legal and Administrative Service: Platform also allocates 5% of the fund to develop the legal and administrative service system.


Every platform develops and issues the token for the token economy. By the token system, platform can develop and operate their operation for the better efficiency. All the token distribution structure details are given below and for more information, you can visit their website the following links,

Token Sale: Token Sale is the most important operation for the platform. By the token sale platform can generate huge amount of the capital. Platform issue and offer the token in the token market and gain maximum capital. By the token it can exchange to other currency system and make cash for the platform. For the token sale purpose platform allocated 75% of the token for these operations.

Team: Team is another important element for the platform. Platform always seek for the better and experience team member for the platform. By the team platform can run and operate all the operation for the platform. Team is the core components of the platform. For the team development and their operation purpose platform allocated 10% of the token.

Reserved: Reserved is another important element for the platform. By the reserved platform can invest in the future project. On the other hand by the reserved platform can run the operation efficiently. For the future development and the future operation the projects platform can get helps from the reserved system. Reserved system also provides the facility to overcome the future risk. 10% token are allocated for the reserved system and their developments.

Bounty: Bounty is another important element for the platform. By the bounty program platform can spread the operation all over the world. For the bounty program platform allocated 5% of the token to develop and operate the bounty program for the platform.

FRELDO develop this platform with the Blockchain technology. By the Blockchain technology platform are more efficient and reliable. For more information, you can read their whitepaper to the following links,

Social Links:
• Company Website:
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• Facebook Page Link:
• Bitcointalk ANN Thread:
• Whitepaper Link:
• Telegram Group:
• Medium Blog Link:
• Linkedin Profile Link:
• Github Profile Link:
• Youtube Channel Link:

• BitcoinTalk User Name: lolaguffey
• BitcoinTalk Profile Link:;u=1272490

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