Quo Vadis Bitcoin, Where are you sailing? - Thoughts of a Greenhorn

in #bitcoin7 years ago


The new week has started and everybody is still watching the crypto battlefield and is wondering who will be able to leave it on it’s own.

Even though, I’m still a greenie when it comes to crypto currencies and blockchain technology I still have my thoughts about what is going on.

The same people who were always raving over Bitcoin and praising it up to the sky where the first ones who came out after the big plunge a week ago and were ready to demonize it and label it scam and bullshit and other words I don’t won’t to repeat here.

People who don’t have anything to say themselves and are just bubbling out what certain people want to hear at the very moment.

Little opportunist and bed wetters ready to change the sides as soon as a little storm comes up.

It's alright to trim your sails to the wind but don't pretend you have always been sailing in that direction.

We can find those people everywhere, not only here on Steemit so stay alert and keep your eyes peeled. Find they right people to listen to and stay away from those flip-floppers who are ready to jump on any bandwagon.


Something else I heard quite a few times last week, was that allegedly the Bitcoin miners itself had a big influence on the great turmoil recently.

They just stopped mining Bitcoin and started mining Bitcoin cash because it seemed more profitable at that moment.

If this is correct, doesn’t it mean that Bitcoin isn’t a stable currency at all and can be influenced easily?

If mining at some other place pays more let’s just change around as we like?

Well, there seems to be no commitment to stay with a coin forever but probably there were also some other animosities which I couldn’t figure out.

Depending which strategy and policy I like, in whose mine I will dig. And if the other mine will collapse, hey that’s not my problem anymore, I got out in time.

It is a free market here and there are things we can’t stop.

But after all, behind all this big coin-hyping, at the end there might be less meat and a lot of hot air.

Especially now, when transaction fees are high does paying with Bitcoin still makes sense? When a little purchase can easily cost twice as much I might better stay with my FIAT money, because other coins I can hardly place anywhere.

However as I said before I’m not the one who has the big plan here yet, but I’m just wondering about quite a few things recently and I’m trying to really understand the whole matter.

Maybe somebody who really has a clue would like to clarify a few things here in the comment section.

Thank you very much for reading my post, and I’m genuinely looking forward to your comments, and of course to your genuine upvotes too.

All you great Steemians out there, have a great week and always keep your head up high.

Max Power says Steem on !!

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Love and Respect!!


In spite of more and more detractors, Bitcoin continues its frantic race to new heights. After a week rich in emotions, a new $ 8,100 ATH was reached this Sunday.

The little beast that goes up ...

Between Wednesday and Sunday last week, the price of bitcoin fell sharply from $ 7,700 to under $ 6,000. Since then, we have witnessed a rise that becomes usual. We had been waiting for a while to see the price exceed $ 8,000, and the week proved us right.

So this Sunday, Bitcoin reached a new ATH placed at $ 8,100. This is a gain of more than 30% in 7 days, a common lot for Bitcoin. Its capitalization now exceeds $ 134 billion (for the prospect, it is double the total capitalization of Airbus)

Yeah it fell sharp again today but could recover soon. Especially those fast returns make we a little optimistic for the near future.

Just wondering if the tether news will have a big effect on the long run

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Hey Tomas

Thank you that's very nice.
I gonna check it right away

Have a good one and catch you later

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