in #bitcoin7 years ago

Source: Stefan Molyneux

Breaking News !

What happened to the price of Bitcoin? The truth behind big bubbles and crashes - The Conversation AU

The Conversation AU: Hunt is a lecturer in accounting at the Griffith Business School, and as someone who knows the five stages of a bubble and crash, she was worried when it seemed everyone was thinking they needed to “get in on” Bitcoin. “The stock market is a ...

The truth behind the BitCoin media hype - Politheor: European Policy Network

Politheor: European Policy Network: This is not only an issue of the responsibility of media to report the truth, and inform the public correctly. The global hysteria caused by the BitCoin hype plays into the hands of market makers who earn off of transaction fees every time a ...

The truth behind the bitcoin phenomena - and where to spend them in Yorkshire - Yorkshire Post

Yorkshire Post: It began as experiment amongst computer geeks, but with bitcoin breaking the $10,000 barrier is the virtual currency about to go mainstream? Sarah Freeman reports. The list of places where bitcoins are currently accepted in Yorkshire is short, but ...

Here Come the Bogus Bitcoin Scare Tactics - CoinDesk

CoinDesk: His final point that the bitcoin market has never been tested by futures trading is also true but does not mention the most important aspect of bitcoin futures: There is no direct link between the bitcoin market and the futures market, which is cash ...

This May Be Bitcoin's Moment of Truth - Bloomberg

Bloomberg: Bitcoin has had a terrific year overall, thanks to a small but dedicated set of believers in the disruptive power of cryptocurrencies who have also enabled many other individual investors to participate in the eye-popping phenomenon. Yet after bitcoin ...

The Moment Of Truth For Bitcoin And The Cryptocurrency Market - Seeking Alpha

Seeking Alpha: 2017 was a pivotal year for the future of cryptocurrencies, but 2018 is likely to be more insightful regarding their ultimate fate. ... meteoric rise has ushered in a new era and represents the birth of a new asset class. How digital currencies ...

Where does Bitcoin go from here? - Mashable

Mashable: With this issue unresolved, Bitcoin lately ... evolved in the direction its founder (or founders — we ... know his identity) Satoshi Nakamoto had originally envisioned — for Bitcoin to become a peer-to-peer digital cash payments system. Sure ...and more ...

Make a fast million from bitcoin? I don't want any more damage to my soul - The Guardian

The Guardian: No longer is the old adage “If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is” reason enough to dismiss such get-rich schemes. Even my potential accomplice admitted cryptocurrencies were sort-of Ponzi schemes, albeit legal ones that many have already ...

Cryptocurrency windfall — Pineapple Fund gifts $1 million to Internet Archive - Digital Trends

Digital Trends: While social media users make sure ... the case with their screenshot abilities, the Internet Archive is a legitimate source of historical truth on the internet. The ... Katie Barrett published a thank you message to Pine and said how great it ...

Bitcoin Only Has One Way To Go If This Is True - Seeking Alpha

Seeking Alpha: Tether Limited is likely issuing bogus Tethers, which is equivalent to 1 USD, which can then be used to buy Bitcoin. Confidence in Tether Limited and active arbitrage between Tether/Bitcoin/USD allows Bitcoin to go in one way only. The scheme will ...

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