in #bitcoin7 years ago


Look out Zuckerberg. Blockchain is the new internet, and Steem is the new social media platform. Blockchain is a global revolution, and Steem will lead the way as the new social media.

What you see today will not be what Steem look like in a few years. Once the celebrities, Wall St, venture capitalists, and so forth catch wind of this phenomenon, there's going to be a big rush to invest money and attention to this one as the coin runs up quickly gaining on other coins, and that's going to attract a lot more people not to simply another social media platform, but this is the first one that ever paid them. The Steemcoin prices is the billboard. The social crowdfunding is the product for the social medium.

A lot of people run businesses on social media. It's one of the biggest markets. A lot of advertising agencies run major campaigns on social media. Social media pulls away the advertising money spent on TV ads more and more every year. As the Radio and Newspaper became the TV the TV and Phone Book becomes the Internet and Social Media. And the Facebook becomes the Steem.

I've been saying a long time that when FB and Twitter start to censor, they lose will their market share, and so to will their stock price dwindle away. You have to understand that the internet is the world's Constitution. If you ever talk about removing the 1st Amendment on the Constitution's Bill of Rights which is the Right to Free Speech, you're automatically out. You just don't do that. You couldn't make it one step in any Local and or Federal government election on a campaign about that, and that would be true in any other country it the law was their. Anti Free Speech is the opposite of business commerce trading economics. Economics is simply expressionism based on the beliefs in their price value. Expression and commerce on social media is expressionism based on beliefs about values.

FB and Twitter have become politically involved with the Global Central Bank Empire of Rothschilds and Soros. People are looking for the exits away from elitist globalists now. They have set sail looking for new worlds in cyberspace, and they'll flee for freedom lands the way people do in the real world. What's even more is that all of the 5 billion+ poor people in the world are going to flock to this like Facebook never saw. If Steem gets a video stream like youtube, it's even more powerful because of the power of video. People don't even have to read or even listen closely to be entertained by video. That's why it is the number one medium, and if it pays too,....

I've always said if you want some customers, charge them. If you want a lot of customers, pay them. Who else pays anyone for social media activities? Look how many billions of dollars they make out there. Youtube is the only one that pays, but it is not impressive at all.

There's a saying on Wall St. The users of the social media are the product. Obviously paying users to participate is better than being politically censored for nothing. That's what elitist tyrants around the world do to people right now, so that they can bilk millions and billions and even trillions of dollars in most lands of usurping elitists corralled "tax cattle."

It isn't just Steem. Cryptocurrencies in general are going to be very popular. Blockchain technology is going to be very popular in anything you can do online. The simplest way to put it is everything informationally done on the internet can be done easier, more safely, and cheaper on blockchain. Essentially blockchain is the second internet. Remember I told you that.

There are many more things that can be done on the blockchain than can be done on the internet. It's internet 2.0. It's money, contracts, records keeping, business, government, and military management, production and business point to point records and quality control checkoff record keeping, it's stock shares, bonds, and the very money itself. It's Gold 2.0. It's voting. It's social media. It's distributed lending. It's making money trading it. I could go on. There's a mountain here.

Blockchain is even it's own security system. The costs here are infinitesimal when you project it out over the next century, and include what the current economic waste, mishaps, health problems, political problems, corporate and government fiascos and war problems from every land in the world. Just the Global Central Bank Empire printing ponzi money, and demanding ransom from the whole world alone is the base of the iceberg. But then you figure what you get when all of this money which is our working and thinking energy is spent on researching, developing, talent honing, working, and trading things that matter more AND things that we have not even imagined yet. That's how these things work: EXPONENTIALLY.

The capital world is coming the way of cryptocurrencies, and that shines light on Steem. The point in history that blockchain internet is in right now is still pre .com stock boom on Wall St. by two years in 2017 now, and with all of the free education about trading, investing, and economics there shouldn't be a problem here. Not only that with all of the education in this information renaissance people are going to have much, much more creativity and possibility outflowing during an economic boom like what's on the way as the economic burdens are lifted, and the enlightened are capitalized in lands that have never seen it before all from $25 smartphones or better in the billions of hands that haven't yet reach into the cyber public domain yet. But they will because they are developing that phone now, and it's going to pay them to learn and invest here. Even blockchain distributed lending will be easier and cheaper here for borrowers than it ever has been anywhere, anyway else in history.

Blockchain is barely noticed yet, and the more that world of finance and research comes its way, the more that those dangerous and belligerent fiat money ponzi central banksters will lose their grip on the world. Even the base level totalitarian and inept governments on the central banks' payroll and ruling by usurpation only. As they lose their grip, so goes their monopoly money they demand ransom for around the world while they are paid for nothing forcing us to pay them, and increase our debts in every way possible including with wars and other pandemics on civilization. They only want people to borrow more from them, so that the world owes them more. They don't want us to be free of them. Only owned by them.

The world will rush into cryptocoins, so they aren't controlled and funding the money printing monopoly fraudsters run amok on this world allowed to cause economic depressions, bubbles, control politics, cause civil wars, world wars, and international wars, kill US Presidents and other government people in other countries. I will be giving a history of the Global Central Bank Empire later. They are the worst pandemic ever in history more than diseases, starvation, and natural disasters combined.

Blockchain internet is the Central Bank Fiat killer.

Always keep this in mind. Gold is how the Central Banks began, and returning to Gold will only return to Central Bank Monopolies on money supply manufacturing guaranteed by the tax revenues. I will write a history about this process.

If you only needed to type in some digits in the billions of dollars several times a year all around the world, and you make Trillions of Dollars around the world each year from it with the ability to game the economies and markets giving yourself the ability to know when to buy world markets and when to sell them, short them, and then use the profits to buy assets including news stations, governments, psychological research projects for controlling populations, wars, child sex trafficking, drug running, police, judges, FBI, CIA, Supreme Courts, and the equivalent in other worlds all with total immunity to their laws and with 24/7 political brainwashing in the news and the schools while controlling the medicine contents and food genealogies in order to induce biological and psychological maladies, so that people are sick, needy, and don't work or behave any more, so that people can't pay for their own lives, and thus they not only have to vote for whoever will give them more mountains of debt money which is the central bank cabal's monopoly over the world, but they will riot and demand more debt like their trained animals turning into a civil war battles with their own countries unless they get it not even having any more faith in the truth or in anything which was previously considered right and just.

Facts don't need believers, but the believers don't need facts. The Global Central Bank Empire hydra is the master of that intrinsic truth about civilization manipulation gaming the mass paradigm with a corrupted money ponzi scheme bigger than most people would believe. Many people know now. Why? The internet renaissance is why. By the way, watch out for terrorist hoaxes and false flag attacks designed to shut the internet down. The internet is the world's off switch on their lies and mass cannibalism of the masses. They are the plague. We are their food, and they fight our internet because we reveal their lies, misdeeds, and their incompetence. "OFF WITH THEIR HEADS" they say. They're just political cults. There's nothing about them. Hardly any of them are talented, and the internet can handle most of the things that they do while the blockchain can prevent the election cheating and wasted spending they do. This alone will have enormous positive effects in exponential measures. Great things are ahead. We just have to get past their last tries for glory at our expenses.

Central Banks make the religions. You want to know who you don't speak about on the news as business, news, and government people? The Central Banks. It is sacrilegious to do so. You are an abomination shunned in the news, chided by politically bribed supposed journalists, and prevented from showing on their hollywood fake news shows.

Do you know what the biggest story on earth is in all history? The Global Central Bank Empire. Want to know the biggest enemy of theirs? The truth and an alternative to their monopoly money they have been using to buy up the entire world with before they euthanize upwards to 95% of the world making one race, one nation. I guess when you have more money than what the world's economy is worth on any given year, you just wind up buying and trying anything like insane elitist heathens running amok on the world.

Do you think I sound like a madman? No, no no. I've done 10,000 hours of research in the past 4 years. I know. I check the facts, and I write about them all of the time.


Think of Steem like a stock, global social media app, and global social crowdfunding. With that kind of money would you be surprised if they don't have all of the games, social groups, apps, video streams etc just like google and facebook. Wherever there's lots of money, there's lots of research and development to extend the service. Steem won't only increase its own income and coin price. It will increase everyone else's income, and the last I heard the most in demand product in the world is money. There won't be a shorted of users here.

Once the money spigot is turned on for the technical management, they will start improving the Steem platform all of the time for the users like is done on the other social media platforms.

What if they became a search engine? Is it economically feasible. Couldn't they at least beat yahoo and bing?




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