The Death of BITCOIN | BTC Kryptonite

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)


No matter what position you hold in the Bitcoin scaling debate, those that love Bitcoin want to see it succeed. As the next fork gets closer to reality for Bitcoin, passions continue to rise and individual beliefs become deeper etched into the stone.

Exchanges, miners, blockchain organizations and the general market have all been voicing their opinions in regards to the real Bitcoin, and so they should...after all, it's a free market.

Bitcoin ticker name recommendations from exchanges and those within the industry have ranged widely depending on the source:
Current(Segwit)BTC: BTC/SW1
Bitcoin Cash: BCC/BCH
Bitcoin Gold: BCG/SWG
SegWit2x: SW2/BTC

With the ever changing identity of Bitcoin, I cannot help to draw comparisons of 'the idea Bitcoin' to 'the idea of Superman'. I must also stress 'the idea' of these identities thats important. Just like Superman, Bitcoin started as an idea, which grew through collaboration from multiple parties, becoming the icon that it is today. Once presented to the world, it became instilled into the hearts and minds of everyone who believed in this- idea.


Similar to Bitcoin, Superman's transformation through history cannot simply be viewed on a single line of progression. In fact, there have been several main versions of Superman, with completely varying attributes and characteristics which make up an entire Superman Universe. Many of these versions, instil different attributes many would consider being nothing like the 'real' Superman, driven neither by the moral ethics or beliefs some hold true the identity, or the- Idea of Superman.


Bitcoin can be viewed in a similar light. Satoshi Nakamoto created Bitcoin and bestowed it onto the world, and like many other ideas it can now be altered, manipulated or even- killed. It is up to the market or individuals to maintain these beliefs and uphold the ideas that they hold true. Whatever role or position these individuals hold in society, their belief in these idea is ultimately what keeps them going.

Though the white paper can be viewed as the true intentions that Satoshi Nakamoto had for Bitcoin, it could also be considered a proposal for Bitcoin that was not able to take all future scenarios into consideration, to ensure its 'infinite unaltered purity'. Even if it were to remain untouched- in the distant future- Bitcoin could be viewed more as a important artifact, to be protected or archived for future appreciation of our history and culture. The same reason Ford Model T's (the first automobile) are considered collectables, while 'the idea' of the automobile, has transcended into the likes of Tesla and other leading innovators, with completely new versions of an idea.

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Others will always be free to create their own realities with their own versions of Bitcoin, Superman and other beliefs they will up hold. Just as some will be able to live within the same universe working to thrive within their unique ideas and beliefs, upholding traditional ideas they themselves hold true.

I have the feeling with all of the different versions of Bitcoin that will inevitably follow, we must embrace the idea that the Bitcoin Universe is going to continue to grow. Some versions becoming increasingly popular, while others will die off or become's the belief in these coins that will keep us upholding their true identity.


Twitter: @thecryptokidd


favourite , Thank you very much1!

Thank you for reading!

which branch do you think has potential to grow? i hear good things about bitcoin cash? I ultimately think the issue bitcoin will have is it's not really ever become applicable people are saving and trading it but not using it as a currency so it could all just fall away tomorrow. Steemit in that way has more potential of becoming more of a currency that can infiltrate with the day to day andbe swopped and traded directly, not sure bitcoin is ever going to become that unless they make changes.

I see BTC ticker retaining majority of the market post fork. Though, many will spill out to BCC/BCH as well, being a familiar face. I agree, even if there was total transparency- I feel it will come down to personal choice of the individual. There is plenty of room for market growth, which will allow multiple new coins and tokens to coexist. Thanks for the comment!

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