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RE: Altcoins Under Attack

in #bitcoin5 years ago
This statement is particularly infuriating. Chainlink went x7 over the last two months, so this person is just picking out a 'random' crypto that did well recently and assumes it has strong fundamentals based on the investment decisions of a few big whales over the last month?

Cherry picking indeed. Last time I checked about a week ago, Bitcoin wasn't even in the top half among the top 10 market cap cryptos in terms of multiplying its price from the bear market lows in December.


Fucking manipulative pricks.


Haha yes @markkujantunen! Crypto is a funny thing, when it goes up with any kind of momentum all of the sudden the buying skyrockets, when it falls to low enough levels everyone turns into Chicken Little. Then confidence picks up and we have our bi-annual irrational exuberance fest, then it levels out, then it repeats. Maximalists are inherently intellectually dishonest and outrageously irrational so often it's very hard to take them seriously at all. $100,000 BTC? It's possible. Likely anytime soon? No. $1,000 BTC it's possible, likely any time soon. No. Somewhere in between that. Very likely, I mean very likely, even more likely you would think. But yet people make themselves look like idiots say 100k+ bitcoin because BTC is the only one that can do it? Give me a break. No one crypto is going to replace all fiat anytime soon but merely provide an option as competition and then we see where it goes from there. Sorry, very vanilla comment, but I don't like to look like an idiot on a regular basis and make outlandish statments that will never happen with BTC. I save that kind of rhetoric for when I guess (often wrong) on where steem is going, lol.

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