These 5 Bitcoin Conspiracy Theories will make you say "WTF"

in #bitcoin7 years ago

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Since the advent of cryptocurrency in the market, a lot of myth and conspiracy theory has been written and speculated around the coin. Some said “It is dead on arrival”, others said “it is the next big thing” and some enthusiast refers to it as the “Eight wonder of the world”. A lot of things still remain a mystery to the world as regards the coin. The inventor of the coin still remains anonymous, maybe if known a lot of questions begging for answers would have been resolved a long time ago. A lot of conspiracy theories have surfaced on the internet over the last few years some seems credible and some that will you make you say "WTF".


An interesting conspiracy theory showed up in several bitcoin forums back in Q4 of 2013. The idea was built around the fact that major economic power bloc countries in the world like China, US, and the UK are buying a large amount of Bitcoin. Looking at the way countries are trying to crack down on the use of Bitcoin. The theory seems far from the truth, no one fights against a system he or she benefits from. It is also possible that government officials which have insider knowledge could tell people to look the other way while they scoop up cheap coins. Although this theory has never been proven, it is somewhat plausible.


One of the most popular conspiracy theory that is widely circulated in the crypto sphere is the idea that bitcoin was created by NSA as an experiment. The inventor Nakamoto Satoshi who is widely speculated to be a Japanese investor, although remain anonymous till date is rumored to a top NSA’s top-secret cryptocurrency project. The coin is thought to be less secure than people thought.


There is a widely circulated conspiracy theory that the Chinese invented Bitcoin. They might have created the coin in other to replace the reliance on US dollar. The theory might also be false in some aspect bearing in mind that some months ago, the Chinese government did a crackdown on ICOs in the country and are thought to be working on their own digital payment system.

4. SATOSHI NAKAMOTO IS AN AI (Artificial Intelligence)

There could be a very good reason as to why no one has “unmasked” Satoshi Nakamoto yet. Despite the numerous manhunts taking place over the years, it is not unlikely Satoshi Nakamoto is not a person after all. Some people speculate the name is a pseudonym for an artificial intelligence created by an undisclosed government. This is by far one of the theories that are “far out there”, although it sparks some interesting discussions along the way.


Some religious people have been making reference to Revelations 13:17 where the mark of the beast was mentioned in order to make a purchase and have argued that Bitcoin is the mark of the beast spoken about in the bible. Due to the fact that the society is moving towards a cashless one.

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