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RE: UASF = Bitcoin is Finished!

in #bitcoin7 years ago

"Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System" , will turn into a "Middleman-to-Middleman Electronic Banking Settlement System".

Upvoted for the good content
I found ton of posts about Bitcoin Death!
Since the creation of Bitcoin,
the social media hasn't stopped to "predict" the death of Bitcoin.
My point of view Bitcoin Will Never Die


Oh c'mon this is not a meme.

This is a real threat, the fees are only getting higher and their solution is just to centralize the system and ship TX into sidechains (bank ledger).

Total takeover of Bitcoin, the Satoshi-version of Bitcoin will die, that is undeniable. Whatever will remain will be a Frankeinstein Monster, not worth my attention.

Thanks for comment
I see that is real threat and I thank you for sharing
And I respect your point of view
"Total takeover of Bitcoin, the Satoshi-version of Bitcoin will die, that is undeniable."
Let us wait and see

Fungable merkle trees!

Seriously, every time I hear Bitcoin is dead... it reaches new highs. I will believe it when I see it.

I BGT Bitcoin at $250 .. and I will keep it and never sell
Let us wait and see !!
When few months ago I posted that bitcoin will hit 2800$ no one believe me.. Anyway major trend is up

I don't think you want to see that when Bitcoin dies, it will be very ugly.

Bitcoin will never die, but it may dwindle into obscurity. I just hope it won't be superceded by Ripple - as far as I understand it, Ripple is NOT a decentralized cryptocurrency.

Definitely not. Ripple is probably just pumped up by corporate investors, but I hardly see any userbase or fanbase of it. It's just a bank-coin.

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