NO Naomi

in #bitcoin6 years ago (edited)


So, Puerto Rico is devastated. But “Maria” was a lesser of problems. Before she striked, Puerto Rico was already devastated by the rampant capitalism, and brought to default.

How did the U.S. “help”?

In its $36.5 billion disaster relief package, the U.S. Congress is slated to give Puerto Rico $4.9 billion, not as a grant but as a loan. This money is to go towards the maintenance of basic government activity such as normal services of the government, but not for any activity that will generate revenue. In other words, distressed Puerto Rico is being made to take a loan out to perform constitutionally mandated tasks of the government. This is not an investment towards any future revenue that could service this additional debt. This is just the heavy weight of debt on an island already sinking into financial collapse.

Instead of help, Puerto Rico got from the Federal State another burden of debt. On the already enormous $74 billion. After the hurricane 250,000 people left the island. In the island 100,000 people still doesn't have power since September 20, 2017!

This terrible situation inspired blockchain innovators to rebuild the community on the base of blockchain. There was a conference, “Blockchain Unbound” in San Juan, on solution of the problems and rebuilding the infrastructure… yes, Puerto Rico has numerous advantages for new businesses, including tax incentives for businesses and individuals who relocate here (otherwise known as the “Act 20/22” programs). There are significantly lower corporate tax rates starting as low as 4% and no individual taxes on capital gains. And there comes Naomi Klein, journalist and the author of “No Logo” and “The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism”, “This Changes Everything” and “No is Not Enough”.

You would think she would be glad to greet people who are trying to help, but… she starts criticizing bitcoin entrepreneurs alleging their attempt of tax evasion!

NoNaomi - 2018-03-31_204524.jpg

Look again at this statement:

Taxes are how normal people give back. Pay your damn taxes, then tell us about your good deeds.

Naomi suddenly forgets everything what she has written about the disaster capitalism, and insists on paying taxes, i.e. giving money through corrupt state mechanism again to those who have caused the crisis! Is she blind


…or is she an agent of the financial elite with an aim to sow FUD in cryptocurrencies to her faithful followers?

Or we can rephrase the question in a way that Max Keiser from our @keiserreport did it in the episode 1208 of the “Keiser Report”:

I guess (this is) because she's Canadian and they know Canadians have a different mindset in terms of how the economy works because it's a very different organized economy in Canada than it is the United States, and so this idea that pay taxes first ask questions later seems to be the mindset of someone who's been colonized by the corporate military spy agenda in her mind. And let me point out that her book “No Logo” it says No Logo okay. And you look at the upper right-hand corner of the title the cover page of “No Logo” is a little R with a circle in it which is means a registered trademark. So “No Logo” IS a logo. Is that meant to be ironic or she's just a moron?


e-vizitka - 2017-10-28_131026-mala.jpg


This also sums it up pretty well

That was an impressive addition to my post @jumowa, thank you very much :)

Congratz, your post has been resteemed and, who knows, will maybe appear in the next edition of the #dailyspotlights (Click on my face if you want to know more about me...)

NaomiAKlein Naomi Klein tweeted @ 22 Mar 2018 - 20:44 UTC

Here's the thing @brockpierce: you cannot lead a movement of crypto tax dodgers to a disaster-ravaged island and ex……

maxkeiser Max Keiser tweeted @ 23 Mar 2018 - 15:04 UTC

Naomi @NaomiAKlein is blind. We found a large, vibrant, local community of young people starting new ventures; crea……

Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.

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