"Experts" Love a Good Disaster ..

in #bitcoin7 years ago

.. it's when they are most relevant.

Take for example the current Bitcoin "drama" - I have read very good work done, arguing for and against Segwit, including by our very own @modprobe .. https://steemit.com/bitcoin/@modprobe/i-looked-into-segwit-and-here-s-what-i-saw .. aka Nathan Hourt, who is currently a member of the block.one team, rolling out EOS.

I can not argue with Nathan's perspective because he's a very qualified critic, and I am not - however, I do not agree with this conclusions, and not only because he did not make a counter-argument 'in favor' of an alternative to Segwit.

Crisis / Opportunity

You have heard the saying that the kanji for "Crisis" also contains the character for "Opportunity", in Japanese .. it has never been more true today in crypto. But what motivates those taking positions ..

The Legit Opposer

They truly believe that there are problems with that which they oppose - with recognition for the strengths of that which they oppose.

The Legit Supporter

They truly believe that the technology they are promoting is the better option - with recognition of the strengths of alternatives.

The Self-Interested Bullshitter

They simply wish to see that which oppose ruined and removed from the marketplace, for any number of reasons - for example: investing in, or belonging to a development team working on a competing technology.

The Fool

Keep in mind that the person taking a position for or against, may be simply confused and are entirely wrong in their assumptions, and they know too little about the thing to know it .. they are taking this side or that side simply because they wish to participate in the debate, and hopefully end up on the winning side.

Back to Segwit ..

Folks, I am here to say that it absolutely does not matter whether or not "Segwit" is the better solution, when it comes to increasing Bitcoin speed and performance. What matters, is that the majority of those maintaining the Bitcoin network believes it to be, or that they have decided to follow those who do believe it to be. The goal should be singular, to avoid a fork that would create a different flavor of Bitcoin, which will greatly diminish the stature of Bitcoin, which all crypto investors and enthusiasts should hope to avoid.

Do not listen to "The Experts" sowing discontent and disarray ..

.. it may be their bread-n-butter, but for the rest of us it could literally mean "Disaster" .. in the English sense of the word, which simply means .. DISASTER!

Just Keep it Simple ..

.. whichever one becomes "Bitcoin" .. or remains "Bitcoin" .. or whatever ... not Bitcoin Cash .. Bitcoin Classic .. Bitcoin Not-Going-to-Be-Around-Very Long ... just str8up "BITCOIN!" The one that is currently worth nearly $ 3000 US smakaroonies, and will only go up from here.


Predicting BCC will go the same way as ETC .. down to 10% the value of the main - also suggest selling sooner than later.

the bitcoin has made many crysis fro sure after reading you post so many arguments hahah

I agree that the main thing we need to focus on Bitcoin's speed and performance which will also help bring down transaction fees. I'd prefer if bitcoin wasn't fragmented into different chains but it seems like BCC is going to come anyway. I think that BTC will still have the greatest support and that is evident from its near $3000 price point.

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