What creates the value of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies?

in #bitcoin7 years ago

With technlogies like the Oculus Rif or even things like Uber or Snapchat we can understand what is the purpose of it and why Facebook thinks it will bring profit. But a considerably more interesting situation is with cryptocurrencies. Just this march Bitcoin almost doubled its value and it continued to rise to an all time high of 2500+ USD.

One of the legendary principles of Buffet is “to invest into companies that can be run by idiots, since one day they will be run by an idiot.” This principle isn’t really critique of management, but describes a company with such a clear market position and such easy way to produce its product that it essentially works without interventions. This allows you to guess the material consumption, the needed production capacity etc.


Technological companies and technologies in general are different. Often they are dependent on the personality of the founder. Just look at Commodoro and Jack Tramiel or even Apple and Steve Jobs – Apple already once almost went bankrupt when Jobs was fired in the eighties. It is obvious that technological companies are often successful based on who is in the lead.

The evaluation of technological companies is specially hard when they are still investing and have a low or no profit. That doesn’t mean the company has 0 value, it just has things like patents, it’s customers etc. This creates a very complex model that creates the estimated value of the company. For instance – like when Facebook bought Oculus Rift for 2 billion dollars before the real product was created and before all the copyright issues were solved.
But when considering that the estimated value of Facebook is around 400 billion USD, that is in total less then 1 percent.


What exactly is the value of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies and why did it rise so quickly in the recent past? There are many answers to this question and often they circle around “Asian markets”, but that alone doesn't explain the rise. Why should the value of Bitcoin rise that much? Why do people want it so much? What is its value? The problem is that Bitcoin is one of those technologies that you can have explained multiple times and you will still not understand it.”

Partially this is because that nobody explains the very core of Bitcoin – blockchain – to uneducated audiences very well. For people who already know what blockchains are about, the simple videos on-line don’t really explain anything. And if you go into more details, the uneducated crowds will just get lost in the details.

Paradoxically, the very core of blockchain technology isn't really about money, but about a process of a secure distributed entry verification, but that’s not really something that will gather “civilian” crowds.
But Bitcoin is only one of the applications of this technology. Another interesting paradox is that people think Bitcoin is super-anonymous, but blockchains are inherently transparent. The anonymity of Bitcoin comes in the fact that you don’t know who owns which account, but the transactions are fully traceable – so it’s pseudo-anonymous, but truly anonymous.

I personally see two things that create the value of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies:

  1. The amount of people who are interested in a currency not controlled by the government and still view it as anonymous
  2. The amount of people who speculate about the amount of first kind of people and that their amount will continue rise and thus the value of bitcoin will rise as well.

But the real value of Bitcoin is in its bona fide element – the fact that you can exchange it for something else. If Bitcoin exchanges very become outlawed, Bitcoin will not be freely exchangeable, then his value will come close to nothing. It would be an equivalent of a monetary reform, where new currency replaces the old and the old one is just canceled. And the same for all other cryptocurrencies.

Let’s all hope this scenario never comes to fruition.


Well-written article! Thanks for sharing. It is very true that Bitcoin's value is hugely related to the amount of people interested in them. That explains why the Bitcoin and other crytocurrency went up huge after the wannacry virus came out. The more people join the market, the more value the object carries. More demand, price goes up. Simple econ

True and it will keep going up b/c demand is for these crypto tokens are higher and higher.

I'm interested in bitcoin and some altcoins, and to me, it seems a waste that all that computing power is going to waste. I know for btc this wastage is viewed as a positive, but is it possible to use btc network to figure out problems like curecoin, but instead of using curecoin, use a bit-token (called curetoken) backed by bitcoin and usable on the bitcoin network to figure out some of the protein problems? So by using a curetoken, you could buy and sell bitcoin or which could then be used to buy or sell other coins/fiat. I mean bitcoin network is huge. It bigger than the top 500 supercomputers. Seems like a waste.

well, remember that the computing power also requires a ton of electricity, so when it's not being used for computing, it's probably being used elsewhere

Thank you for this post, very informative :) upvoted, followed and resteemed!Cheers!

Very good this publication all information is welcome to those like to have knowledge.

You write that the real value of biitcoin is the fact that it can be exchanged for something else,.. But according to me that's a circular argument:

You can exchange it for something else, therefore it has value. It has value, therefore you can exchange it for something else.

The first aqcuisition was a 10000bc pizza clearly the value of bitcoin was very different then.

I also have countless object around the house which I could exchange for something else. The only problem is no one else seems to want to exchange my dirty socks for their bicycle.

Somehow, people have come to accept cryptocurrency as a store of value, even though it is inherently worthless. (don't get me wrong, many stores of value like gold and diamonds have very little value if it weren't for a demand which isn't justified by it's economic uses)

That being said, once people started to accept bitcoin as a store of value, (and many consider it an investment) It became a bona fide store of value. Once acceptance grew, you also obtained genuine uses for it. Nowadays, You can buy a lot of stuff for bitcoin, and I can send money around the world with it far cheaper than by sending currency through a bank.

But it's value for sure is not that it can be exchanged.

I could "invent" a new altcoin similar to bitcoin right now, start mining it, and no-one would want to accept it if I didn't market it.

So my question remains: what creates the calue of bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.

I guess I would say that the fact that other people want to accept it for something else

Very informative my friend. Keep it up. 🤗

Have you read Nick Szabo's essay about Social Scalability? It offers a lot of valuable reasons for bitcoin's value to society. Adds a lot of interesting points to what you discuss here.

link: http://unenumerated.blogspot.com/2017/02/money-blockchains-and-social-scalability.html

I don't think I have, but once I get some time to myself, I will definitely read it ;)

great post ! thanks for your infos!

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