Bitcoin analysis follow far so good...

in #bitcoin6 years ago (edited)

So far we are going as predicted in my last Bitcoin analysis...

We touched the 7K and will probably correct around the 6300s with a possibility of a flash 5800 only to bounce back up at the 8K...

As you see the recovery to the 20K will take about an year into 2019 according to the chart above...

but again I will end this like "Bombazzo Gianbananzo" when asked about the recent uprise:....



Thanx for the analysis. 2019 is the year

every year is a good year like the tire lol ;) just drive safely

Hey, your prediction was very accurate. May I ask you, how you know it was going to drop to that level? volume? ema? rsi?

I just paragoned the year 2014-2016 with 2017-2019...
so far so good... :D

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