ETH crash imminent.

in #bitcoin6 years ago

When last night we saw 300 breaking we knew this is bad. Today is the first time in the history of Ethereum that the price of ETH is lower than one year before.

it also looks like Vitalik and team are dumping from the genesis block to Bitfinex.

0x976fd26bc177542c3ade3aa28b374f866e7dde4b > 0xc055df46e91c59eb07eb482d6d8d3ebc7cc5452e > Bitfinex

All alts are down too with BTC on top of it. Ive personally opened shorts now, we will see how it plays,


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At this time I’m not actively trading. I believe with prices like these, it’s hard to not bring in fresh money. I’m a long term believer in cryptos, blockchain, and decentralization. Although I know we are a long way from mass adoption and it could be awhile before new highs, but everyone should know that this market is still very undervalued and still has lots of room to grow.

There are so many projects built on top of the ethereum platform! It is like an ecosystem for other cryptos, and I believe that value haven’t been nearly shown in its price.

Posted using Partiko iOS

ETH is my largest holding, I bought near the highs, I thought it was a better investment than BTC....boy was I wrong. I took money out of a great stock to invest in crypto, huge mistake

I know crypTo's are down in the dumps but still way farther along than they were a few years back. Also keep in mind that with entities such as Goldman SUX buying exchanges like Poloniex you know they are here to stay. The big boys wouldn't do such a thing if they thought it were to fail. Also IMO, when the conventional markets can hide no more debt dumping in the future the big boys will need a new arena to dump all this debt still or TRUE inflation will show its ugly head. So CrypTo's to me look pretty promising. I mean, what do you think will happen to prices when this happens? Anyways........... hang in there. You've lost nothing until you dump it.

Totally agree with you (IMO lol xD).

Here in Argentina is more easy to understand your arguments. We're already having that kind of problems IRL. So, it's matter of time, cryptos are going to rule the world in 2021, not just because they're better, because they will survive.... I can't say the same about the Pesos Argentinos or the Turkish Lira.

thanks, unfortunately the thing I hate hearing the most is how much lower everything used to be and that cryptos are historically still up...that really depresses me because it highlights that I got in too late / too high and that the market can drop much lower. Had I bought just a few months earlier, or now i'd be fine..but of course I had to buy near the top and then buy more on the "dips"....which turned out to be nothing compared to meltdown to come.

Don't beat yourself up. They're going to be some huge losers when light switch on the stock market flips. I can look back to when BTC was a buck or less and laughed my ass off scoffing at the thought of it.......... wish I'd have spent a lil' fiat on it back then............

You can't change the past, but only improve for the future!

There is still lots of oppurtunities in the space!

My golden rule: Use your brain and some logic, small amounts of cheap cryptos with small circulation supply that have a reasonable roadmap and a good community behind them.

I don’t think you were wrong, just got in at a bad time! The future is still bright, even if you’re down a lot now. Never invest anything you can’t afford to lose, but I’d use this as an opportunity to average down.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Well, you sound that a guy that have some money to spend. Buy some BTS, STEEM, AE AND MORE ETH. You will not regret next bull run ;)

It is hard to digest. Just when you think many good altcoin bargains are on the table the discounts get even deeper.

This is great!!!so many cheap cryptos to buy..i don't know why are you all sad?buy all you can now,and wait for next BIG pump!it will happen!This year,or next year,or in 2 years..its for sure.You can't lose!!

Its a blood bath and there is no stopping it. For the past few months I had been thinking that we have seen the bottom at above five thousand. I am not sure anymore now.

Maybe we'll see 3K maybe not. Its painful to watch for sure and I think there is more where it came from. I may sound like a pessimist but I am trying to analyze this logically. I am all in on crypto and I am not leaving no matter the cryptosphere, no matter the cost. When I consider this then talking about a full on bear market that could last more than year doesn't really hurt that much.

I'm thinking about selling my ETH because of this.
But probably i should buy some more XD

No one knows is 2018 would be the dark year for crtptocurrency !lot of patient required

Uncomplicated article. I learned a lot of new things. I signed up and voted. I will be glad to mutual subscription))))

Compared to the highs, I believe I could afford some downward movement if I purchased now. I’d say this could be a good time to start lattering in some buys. They are a good discount now, regardless if they could go lower.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Shorting Eth will be very profitable now bc many icos will be also selling their eth tokens. About more than 4% of all Eth is held by icos

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