
Great meaningless retort. Care to share any info on why this is BS? I thought so.

I guess he meant this ;)

After its spectacular peak in 2018, Bitcoin crashes and limps into 2019 close to its fundamental “production cost” of $1,000."

The production cost stuff is really bs... as the production cost follows the potential earnings always...

Did you just upbraid me for not responding to your comment within the comment itself? Here's a couple things:

  1. You don't understand debt and it's role in the economy. Not even a little bit. "Omg it's a large number!" What exactly do you think you're measuring? What is its causal mechanistic relation to the economy at large?

  2. "Fiat cryptocurrency" What does this even mean? Why would it be necessary when the government already totally controls the US dollar?

  3. Conspiracy theorizing about a government that leaks like a sieve and is barely functional at the strategic and tactical levels.

In conclusion, you are stupid and everybody who upvoted you is even stupider.

Respectfully u don’t seem to understand debt and money printing. Let me guess liberal arts degree ? 🐑

Wrong. My turn to guess: college dropout who hasn't taken anything past microecon and thinks they know anything at all because they watched some YouTube videos from Misses or Bastiat?

Smart move not wasting ur money or going into debt for a worthless degree. U must not be a total moron! But Dude where did u learn about finance and economic issues?

Haha I misread ur response. I thought u said u were a college drop out and that’s why I gave u credit. So u are just a sheep who doesn’t have real Biz experience just a graduate degree and a lot of debt! No wonder your pretending debt is ok. Clearly your up to ur ass in loans. Enjoy being a 🐑 buddy. I don’t care about graduate school
I made a million by the time I was 30. Keep up being a sheep

clearly you are up to your ass in loans.

Boy, you just don't know how the world works, do you. Grad students (most of them) get PAID. Either as TAs or RAs.

I made a million by the time I was 30.

No you didn't.

I disagree with ya on everything but upvoted outta respect 👍

kermitbear sounds like a butthurt bitch that is mad about not getting into cryptocurrencies so long ago when he first heard Jeff recommend it.

Who is "Jeff"?

Really? We are even stupider? So, besides not making any good point or counter-argument, you berate other steemians who upvoted this post because you disagree with the OP.

Do you realize where you are at, what type of platform you are posting on?

Arguments get counterarguments. Nonsense econojargon babble gets ridicule. Jesus, you guys are fuckin snowflakes.

I'm still waiting for any valid point you have.

No, you aren't.

Of course I am. You seem to be very opinionated, and resort to name-calling, rather than any type of discussion. Disagreeing with the OP, or other's commenting is fine, but your tact is very lacking. BTW, #snowflake is the most overused term of the year. Maybe @kermodebear just needs to permanently hibernate.

You flagged a comment that points out three obvious problems with OP's formulation. To stage a counterargument being that requires that OP had stated a coherent argument in the first place. How do you argue against a graph of some number going up that is not connected argumentatively to anything? How do you argue against wild evidence-free conspiracy speculation that the government is going to bring into existence a "fiat cryptocurrency", a pointless contradiction in terms? At some point OP is just babbling and you gotta stop rewarding the delusion.

Lol , im following u just for the comment hahaha


Conspiracy theories like this aren't as unrealistic as you think. I disagree with the notions of Black Magic, but everything else seems similar to things that have been done multiple times in the past.

Not black magic. The Internet existed before 1988 and so did other digital networks. It was no great thing for them to predict a digital global currency in 1988.

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