BitTorrent creator introduced an eco-friendly mining paper
BitTorrent developer has created a new Proof-of-Space mınıng method. As reported by CoinDesk, a new consensus by Bram Cohen is an eco-friendly alternative to bitcoin's energy-intensive proof-of-work. According to «Beyond Hellman’s Time-Memory Trade-Offs with Applications to Proofs of Space», it relies on disk space rather than computational power as the main resource for mining. The authors state that such a method is more economical and less ecologically damaging alternative to proof-of-work because it makes probability of successfully mining a block proportional to the amount of space allocated divided by the total capacity of the network. Hamza Abusalah, Joel Alwen and Krzysztof Pietrzak from the Institute of Science and Technology Austria, Danylo Khilko from ENS Paris and Leonid Reyzin from Boston University are indicated in the whitepaper as authors as well.