Around the world in bitcoins

in #bitcoin8 years ago

 Programmer Felix Weiss (Felix Weis) from Luxembourg has set a goal to spend a year using only bitcoins, and traveling the world. 

 January 12, 2015, Weiss said in his blog Bitcoin Travel intention to travel the length of 365 days. He transferred all their money in bitcoins and cut the credit card clearing process on video. 

 I discovered the digital currency in 2012, and understanding of this new type of money it took me a while, but in the end she changed my life.
Felix Weiss, programmer 

 Weiss decided to follow a few simple rules: use bitcoin where possible, for example, to pay for their housing, food and travel, and never resort to the debit or credit cards and ATMs. He also always has a small amount of local currency, but even this money, he said, obtained by selling bitcoins to locals.

The first destination in the journey of computer programmer was Prague, where he paid bitcoins for lunch at a local restaurant. The staff did not speak English, and Weiss took the time to explain exactly how he intends to pay for the meal. Thus, according to Weiss, in the Czech Republic are serious about the digital currency, and because the first days of his journey was extremely easy.

Much harder he had in Turkey, where at first his attempts to pay with cryptocurrency reacted with disbelief. Only with the help of a friend-Turk Weiss was able to convince the local population into their reliability, and even managed to pay with bitcoin for paragliding. 

 Over the ensuing months, the programmer went back in fourteen countries, including Israel, Ukraine and several EU countries. He admitted to reporters that he has no desire in the future to go back to the boring old system". 

 Bitcoin is the most interesting global socio-economic experiment going on right now. I really believe that. 

 In Russia, bitcoin has no clear legal status. President Vladimir Putin during a speech at the all-Russian youth forum "Territory meanings on the Klyazma" in July 2015, explained that the use of cryptocurrency is not prohibited, however, noticed that she was not provided as well as real. Press Secretary of the President later explained that the words of the head of state cannot be regarded as a support of bitcoin.

The Russian prosecutors have repeatedly sought the blocking bitcoin related sites by Roskomnadzor. In July, the register of banned sites includes, for example, the material "What is a bitcoin and who needs them?" edition "Zuckerberg will call". The reason for this was the discovery in the contents of the article "propaganda frauds," and the conflict was settled after the removal of one sentence. 


We are soon going to see a world where crypto is used for basic transactions
but I am sure the old system wont give up without a fight
Best times to live in
Thanks for sharing your journey

"There are 3 eras of currency: Commodity based, politically based, and now, math based." - Chris Dixon

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