My Bitcoin Essay: The Second Coming (of Money)

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)

My Bitcoin Essay


Hey SteemIt Family!

I wrote this essay as an entry into a scholarship to go to Anarpulco 2017. Unfortunately I did not recieve the scholarship, however I feel very lucky that my financial planning and crowdfunding successfully helped me get down there and learn so much in such a short period of time. Now, I take dedicated action on creating enough wealth to afford it for myself.

Roger Ver doesn't look like the second coming, but Bitcoin does :) Enjoy!

The Second Coming (of Money)

Our ancestors and our currently anarchic leaders have inspired me to be a force for Truth, Love, and Freedom. There are a lot of moving parts in the Freedom movement, and I'm the bullet in the state's head.

In 2013, I met Aurelia in person. I will be using this individual's alias to preserve the philosophy behind her book. As an entrepreneur, she was highly motivated in creating the best lifestyle for herself, while influencing other innovators along the way. She gave an hour and a half lecture on the importance of Bitcoin. I wondered why this person loved Bitcoin so much, if she wasn't even in financial district. So we had lunch. She refereed me to her book, The Bitcoin Manifesto.

Throughout her book, she consistency gave a called to action, and I was trying to understand why. Bitcoin itself is not what people are excited about. Digital currency has been around for quite a while, it was the philosophy and protocol behind it.

Unfortunately for me, it took awhile for Aurelia's message to get across. I didn't fully grasp the protocol or philosophy that Bitcoin. However, now I see how it aligns with a free society that I see possible.

Bitcoin is the second coming of the most important human invention: money. There are a lot of horrible things that the Governments/Empires/Dictators have done in the past. Genocide, slave labor, stealing life times of the innocent directly or indirectly. Although these things are horrific, government's largest crime is stealing Human Invention. Human Invention is what we see all around us. Cellphones, computers, cars, clocks, guitars, and much more that has started in the mind's of innvators, and is then placed into reality. Once we realize that we can do this, our world begins to look like Cobb's Limbo from Inception. Sadly, the regulators of our times and in history have stifled invention. They have stolen imagination and freedom. Throughout history, humanity has been continuing onward to regain these lost values. Slowly humanity is finding a way out of regulation and control. We have done this through things like sustainable energy to live off the main grid, the Internet sharing for occulted information, and of course, money.

In the first world, money enhances our survival by giving us a tool to exchange goods and services. A single person did not invented money. In fact, that's quite silly if you think of it. There are no “patents” on such a thing. It was a collective effort that naturally formed while advancing into the growing future. Money is truly a human invention. Yet, the state noticed a fine way to control it's people through it's own invention. By creating state issued currency, and banning everything else as “counterfeit” they have created a monopoly on money. This is why most people feel that money is the root of all evil. It's a man-made invention that has been commandeered by people who believe they have a moral right over you and your financial actions. I'd like to argue that it's actually the strings leading to the root, which of course is the state. Most people think that we have to abide by government “laws,” but this is not true anymore.

Luckily for us, cryptocurrency will now release money into the free market, and more will come. Satoshi Nakomoto's Bitcoin will take back what is rightfully humanity's to own. Bitcoin is a decentralized, programmable crytptocurrency that can be used to pay for any goods and services. There are no international fees, no regulation, and no people controlling the money supply. It is solely controlled by laws of natures: mathematics and computer science that is widely open to the humanity. No government has no control of what is done with Bitcoin. The protocol of Bitcoin prevents any centralized authority from taking stopping one individual from economically interacting with another individual. Thus, Bitcoin returns the invention of money back to its right owners. It has also establish a large base of passionate intelligent people who see its potential to shape a more free society. Allowing for humanity to take part of the invention of a money, a state of freedom will then naturally and evidently occur.

Government prevents a state of freedom by coercing people in their economical choice. A state of freedom is seen as an subjective concept, while, infact, it's quite objective. No one person has a moral right to control another persons actions. I am reason for my actions, and you are responsible for yours. Period.

Bitcoin creates a state of freedom by allowing people to choose where their financial effort go. A fiat currency does not grant this freedom. Fiat money allows for deficit spending, which I believe as largest threat to our environment. With deficient spending, there is no cap on the natural resources a state could use. They can print as much money as they would like to get the resources as much natural resources the would like. By using fiat currency, also support these efforts, be taking using the currency. In addition, fiat money is liable to taxation. Most missed the axiom of where taxes come from; stolen money from nonconsenting hard-working people. They have no chose but to support public health care, school systems, infrastructure, even if they do not see it as necessary or a bad investment. Personally, there are a couple things I don't want to support when using fiat money: GMO foods, nasty hedge funds, animal products (don't get me started on socialist vegans) , awful public schools, and bombing other countries. However, since “majority rules” when it comes to the use of my “contribution” , I am coerced to do so. This is also know as conformity, and leads to things such as genocide.

Removing the individuals from a majority of the states endeavors, Bitcoin allows people to have direct choose on what part of the world they want to impact. In other words, Gahdi has famously said: "Be the change you want to see in the world". If I am coerced into doing something that my overall being is not aligned to, then I have a failed in being the change I want to see in the world. Bitcoin will create a state of freedom that will allow for people like Gahdi to become the most effective in preserving (hint hint millennials) and liberating others and our own freedoms. This freedom that will never happen with a fiat currency.

All in all, Bitcoin is the finest weapon of boycott leading us into a state of freedom by completely avoiding endeavors one does not agree with, especially the state and corrupt monetary systems. People will have the right tochoose what they wish to support, and the individuals will be able to use a currency by the people for the people. Let's take back what is humanities, and march forward to a state of freedom we all know as possible.

With the adoption of technology, cyrptocurrency is becoming more and more known. Stop reading about it. Stop beings it's cheerleader. Use it. This is not the time to be emotional about the volatility. The more we use cryptocurrencies, the more the price stabilizes, the more people come in contact with the currency, the less government and financial district wastes their lives wasting our lives, and of finally, the more time on the planet discovering Love, Truth, and Freedom.

Thank you for reading! Please let me know what you think. I'm open to criticism and fact checking.

Side Note

So, I wrote this in Februray, I believe you will notice a large difference between the way I write now and the way I wrote back then. If you catch the difference, my hats off to you. I feel amazed at the change it has made.

My experiment of posting 66 Days in a row feels more difficult. Do you think the experiment will create the habit, or I should just get in the habit of creating good content? I like the process to see what I can handle and enjoy. Make a commit with Advice at the top.

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