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RE: Bitcoin (BTC) Evening Update: Bull Flag Fractals Everywhere!!

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)

Really? .6% of the rewards pool.. Fuck you.
Edit: Moved decimal.


@berniesanders was incorrect about that. is off by a decimal place. So in reality it is .6% of the rewards pool, not 6% @justinashby

Edit: I just used the plugin on the site, and the value came back as approximately 1% of the rewards pool. I left an in-depth reply to @berniesander's post in an attempt to further the discussion.

I'd love to see more level-headed communication and constructive interchanges between parties that are at odds here on Steemit, as it will create a better platform overall. Snap judgements (often poorly researched,) inaccurate information, speculation, and subjective stances presented as fact does damage to the community as a whole, as well as the individuals who become confused and misinformed.

STEEM, SBD and Steemit are taking off right now; It's a time of abundance and should be one of celebration and solidarity. I am aware there are major problems in the operation of the platform and am not prescribing some dull platitudes to remedy them, but at the end of the day we are still all Steemians: to some degree or another we believe in the beauty that this system has proposed.

Let's have rational discussions to continue to problem-solve!

True that! The main attraction of Steemit for me has been the lack of negativity. We're all gaining something here, even if we just started and haven't even done an introduceyourself.

Bitcoin (BTC) Evening Update: Bull Flag Fractals Everywhere!!
---- «Adjusted for the crash, it is spot on»

Ok so why do they deserve "1%" of the rewards pool if we have newbies and minnows struggling to make a fucking dollar. This is bullshit. You know it, I know it. This is why people quit. Pivot boy.

Maybe he did the work, maybe he got lucky. I've been here for five quarters of a year (last half year posting daily) and just beginning to see some real rewards, even while being somewhat heavily invested in Steem. All it takes is hard work. So don't fret it.

Edit: You seem to be doing fine though. I don't quite understand what you are complaining about.

There are only so many coins in the pool. Greed takes from everyone..

Greed you say? Who do you think is being greedy?

$300+ every 4hours is outrageous! Now take your time counting that.. You could build a school and give children education or build a well for water.. You could use it to build a commercial farm and employ people.
Not to mention we had a pool that rewarded 700k tokens now it is less because of these abusers.
Want to stop spammy beggars? Start rewarding their good posts and not over rewarding cut and paste, cookiecutter authors.
The info is solid. I don't deny that. $50 every four hours is a little more reasonable, don't you think?

If you think you have a genuine complaint I suggest you take it up with @ranchorelaxo the vast majority of that 6% 0.6% comes from there.

The rest of us here would rather engage with @haejin and each other regarding the actual content on this blog, as we find it valuable even if you do not.

I'd rather not wade through a wall of sour grapes and profanity to do that, if it's all the same to you.

Checking out bernie posts. All he is doing is giving you more coverage Haejin.

As they say in the industry, ALL publicity is GOOD publicity

LOL! You're absolutely right!

I found you because of that guy... haha good content Haejin keep it up man, I'm learning a lot

Many of us have purchased steem and powered up, simply to follow and support Haejin.
We all wish you, massive profits.

I love the idea of giving love to the lost souls. 🙏

@olisrex, I am going to check into purchasing steem and power up to support Haejin. Wish you massive profits too. Thank you.

Thank you for removing your vote. I didn't need to be rewarded that heavy anyway. I don't discount @haejin's content it's good but $330 average 6-8 times everyday is astronomical. You like it now but when the pool dries up you might sing a different song.

Interesting. This shows that making money on social isn't quite what some might hope it could be, I hope nobody here depends on that - on the other hand, what did anyone expect ? @haejin is offering an astute weather-prediction service on an otherwise rather blank and boring platform, so what @solisrex says is factual. Obviously, haejin is offering more practical value than anyone else, even to the founders of the network itself because he makes STEEM and the network known on Youtube - the same being true for BitShares, see below, isn't that sheer prophecy ?! - this is enlightening and leads me to believe that apart from his obvious philanthropy, he may also be motivated by less indirect benefits. Haejin is obviously not just an inspired coin market guru, but also a genius level marketer ;)

P.S.: those who detected it, pardon my sarcasm

You seem like a communist living in a capitalist ecosystem. I know it is hard for you, it is quite obvious from your hateful reaction. So I suggest you to contact the team behind and discuss the problem with them - is it fair for one user to get 6% of the rewards pool. Or promote yourself, hone your marketing skills, offer a high-quality product and have more people up voting you - in other words become a capitalist and adopt to the system. But what you are doing here (spitting jealousy and envy) is possibly the only wrong thing you can do! Grow up!

Now now, there is no need to slander communism or praise capitalism here, that envious dimwit above doesn't represent either side, those that actually understand the true nature of ideologies are not really very well represented on Steemit, despite the many who throw those words around like they actually have some kind of authority on the matter.

Also not sure any real fan of capitalism should be claiming Steemit as some sort of Capitalist utopia, because quite honestly, it's really just a microcosm of the more undignified and pitiful outcomes of capitalism in the real world.

Begging, desperation, neediness, as well as putrid stinky greed in all it's glory, disguising itself as selfless generosity. Then there is one of the worst outcomes of this capitalist utopia so many love to trumpet about while ignoring the fact that it's so full of bullshit I can smell my computer from the Milk Bar. That is, the ever present Steemit equivalent of kissing the bosses ass, the act of self gratification via "giving" completely undeserved, irrelevant compliments, comments and upvotes, then making sure every poor fucker within your neighbourhood knows you are in the business of being "giving" kinda Steemian who dishes out all that sweet sweet Steem....Especially if you've got more blabber too go around......

All because this Capitalist wonderland teaches us, that just like in the real world, success is all about how good you are at kissing the ass of the one directly above you on the capitalist ladder at any given point in time and how good you are at tooting your own horn (let's be honest, even the best marketers need to be the best tooters of their own horns if they are going to earn the reputation of being a great marketer, when all they are really good at is tooting that horn and kissing that ass).
I bet most of the people here hate that guy/lady at work, the one who is better at kissing that asshole and getting ahead, that's because they are willing to expose themselves to more shame than others in public... Yet here we are, stuck with a near perfect for use media platform that could truly revolutionise the way so many people make a living, one of the first true "real world use cases" in the Cryptoverse, and it is full of people putting their shame on the back-burner to pollute this platform with their beggary and drivel.

Now please don't take this the wrong way, I love the premise and the promise that Steemit brings. I am also incredibly relieved to discover that this @haejin bloke is being rewarded for his content, because for once it is actually some real world quality content and that deserves every bit of respect. We need more like him, we need more people willing to actually spend time on their content, putting together something of value to reap the value of this platform. Because if everyone just runs around in circles high fiving each other for rimming each other really really well, all that "value"will get high fived into the thin air from whence it came.

Exactly what I've been telling over 100 times. The only solution I can support is a max limit for a single vote splitting 10 daily 100% votes of a whale into bunch of upvotes (I saw this somewhere on steemit) and a dynamic weekly payout limit based on the number of individuals that upvoted. More votes mean higher cap(My own idea). The way @haejin has been growing, this won't become a problem. He just got over 1K followers in a single day.

That sounds like a good idea and I will support it in due time.

This is the fool who is raping the rewards pool by using a voting robot. I can't believe you support him here is proof image image

How could you be so blind, Haejin brings thousands to this platform and the fool your ate can't even understand the priceless value that brings. Open your mind moron! This@Berniesanders is raping the voting pool with his robot. That's why he is mad because he is losing money. Once, well if you are smart enough to figure these facts out i hope you offer an apology as well as spread the word about that jackass Bernie Sanders won will be having both his accounts suspended here shortly.

Don't worry about the haters. There is plenty of Steem to go around. A rising tide lifts all boats. Socialism is antiquated and socialist views of cryptocurrency are a joke!

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