
Of course you do, your a doomsday, neigh sayer. For any new revolutionary technology to work it needs support and you support the opposite side. By pushing this negative narrative your on the side of Banks and Government. If you want freedom then don't keep telling other people about this bill or that bill and help to reinforce a false authority. Get a bit of fight in you, your gonna need it.

You have no idea what I support obviously. If you don't want bills to pass that you don't like, you have to identify them and create awareness of them. That is how politics work.

I don't support politics, I support freedom. Politics is purely a puppet show designed to distract people with very few braincells, while the puppeteers continue with their business unchallenged.

So just because a government passes a Bill or Law you have to abide by it? So you would support Jim Crow segregation laws? If everyone had your attitude African Americans would still have to sit on separate buses and use separate bathrooms, and women wouldn't be allowed to vote and child labour would still exist.

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