Funniest MCAFEE video EVER! - THE MCAFEE EFFECT by the Coin Bros

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)

Have you guys seen this? It's the funniest video I've seen in the last 15 minutes. ROFL

But seriously what do we need to do to get on McAfee's 'Coin of the Week' list? 

Geez, it blew up Digibyte by 10x when he name-dropped their coin and they still have their head in the clouds months later.

So what's it gonna take @ned to release a few funds to get an endorsement from McAffee? Or are we waiting for @dan to make the first move?

And for sure he can be bought. Check out this earlier video and listen closely to what John has to say. (Just skip to the 8th minute for the juicy stuff)

He's totally Mr Business!

And if we want him to work for it, you could drop a heap of SP into an account, tweet him the balance and offer him the keys when he agrees to our terms.

That way he'll need to Power Down over a period of time and won't forget STEEMIT anytime soon.

And hell, he might even hang around for a bit and make a few bucks along the way, which wouldn't be a bad result either.

Or would you prefer the community to set up a fundraiser to get the job done ourselves?

Nod once for 'YES' and twice for 'NO'



I still can’t believe this guy is over 70 years old.

Especially with the amount of drugs he’s taken.

Yeah, he's older than Trump. I didn't realise people got that old :-P

I am not quite familiar with his (Mcafee) legacy with crypto but difficult to take him seriously apart from the fact he seems to be a market mover.

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