Timing Bitcoin price swings with astrology

in #bitcoin6 years ago

Before discovering Bitcoin and cryptocurrency, I studied astrology. They are worlds apart since one is about digital tech and finance, while the other is about planets and personality. But they both share some clear similarities in the way you look at them. And it was while observing both just recently that I discovered something quite original, unique and fascinating which I want to share with you here. This is something that has seldom been mentioned before anywhere on the internet as far as I can tell. It is my current topic of research and although highly experimental, it could be interesting so I’m going to share it with all of you so that those with the capacity to comprehend these raving revelations from a mad monk can benefit too. See what you think.
Timing is everything
Everyone is aware of the cycles of the Moon and the way it affects the tides and our Circadian rhythms. One can even find the lunar phases as an indicator on www.tradingview.com as an overlay on the Bitcoin price graph, so this is not an entirely new approach. Well, besides the Moon’s cycles and their correlation to the Bitcoin price, I have been studying the patterns and cycles of Mercury. Both astrology and technical analysis of Bitcoin price charts appeal to the pattern recognition side of the brain, where one looks at the past trends and movements of the bodies in question. The cycles of the planets are predictable and strictly rhythmic in their balanced movements, whereas the Bitcoin price appears to be more random and spontaneous. However, there is also a wave-like motion in the price action of Bitcoin. I wanted to overlay the cyclic movements of Mercury onto that of the Bitcoin price to see if there were any correlations or patterns that may indicate a predictable theme. If there are synchronicities in their movements in the past, then it could suggest predictable timing of future price action. That is the hypothesis.
Mercury winged messenger, trickster god of traders and thieves
The reason I like the idea of Mercury cycles being an indicator of Bitcoin price movement is because traditionally in astrological lore, Mercury is archetypally associated with traders and merchants, and Bitcoin’s price is based on buying versus selling pressure amongst traders. It is a currency, or commodity that is traded all day long in the market place and falls under the domain of Mercury in that case in astrology. Why, I can’t say. The ancient Medieval astrologers, particularly the Arabic and even Vedic traditions of India before them and Renaissance Europeans since, studied the movements of the planets and attributed certain qualities to them based on their observations. Maybe they saw some patterns and correlations too. For some reason Mercury became the god of traders, just like Venus is the goddess of love and Mars the god of war. Being the closest planet to the Sun, Mercury takes only 88 days to do a complete orbit of the Sun, compared to the 365 of Earth, yet it takes about the same as an earth year to complete a trip around the zodiac, the exact length varying annually due to its eccentric orbit, from our point of view. Some years it’s just under and some years it’s just over a year. And during that time, as we observe the relationship of Mercury to the Sun as seen from Earth, Mercury appears to do a stop-and-reverse motion called retrograde on 3 occasions yearly, lasting three weeks each. During these times it crosses over or conjuncts the Sun from our point of view, like an eclipse, on a few occasions. So I looked at these dates in the orbital cycle of Mercury and I overlaid them on the Bitcoin price chart to see if any patterns reoccurred during the days in which Mercury was either exactly conjunct the Sun or exactly stationary in its movement, as seen from Earth. My ephemeris tells me the positions of all the planets for the current century, like clockwork, and so I can overlay the phases of Mercury onto the annual price graph on the daily chart of Bitcoin and see if there are any correlations.
Everything under the sun is cyclic
The movement of Mercury is like a pendulum. From our geocentric point of view it swings around the Sun, crossing past it, swinging to an extreme point about 28 degrees ahead of it, then swinging back, crossing the Sun again and swinging to the other extreme never more than 28 degrees behind it. And in these swings it slows down, stops at a stationary point, then slowly speeds up until full speed again, crossing the Sun once more and so on, in constant predictable swings around the position of the Sun. The critical dates I wanted to observe were the Sun crosses, called conjunctions (or “Cazimi” – “in the heart of the Sun”, by Medieval astrologers) as well as the stationary moments, and thirdly the two most extreme points when Mercury was furthest from the Sun. It may sound complex but this is what astrologers do. Like technical analysts in currency chart interpretation, we look at the patterns in the historic movements of the particular coin or forex or – in this case – planet, and we find cycles and patterns which may suggest future trends and dates of note. Maybe that’s why I love cryptocurrency chart technical analysis as much as astrology chart analysis – they use the same part of the brain for pattern recognition, and it’s all about timing. Anyway, we don’t have to get too technical, we’re already discussing two very abstract subjects here and the cross section of readers who might actually relate to even one of them is small, what to speak of the two together, but you get the idea so far. I overlaid the two historic graphs and observed the price of Bitcoin on the days of Mercury’s (1) “eclipses” (conjunctions), as well as (2) most extreme distance points from the Sun, (never more than 28 degrees) and (3) stationary points before and after its three week retrograde phase. So far I’ve only gone back just over the past 14 months and probably need to do more back testing over several years to really get conclusive statistics. I have, however, found some interesting correlations. The sets of Mercury data come in clumps around a certain date each time, and of the four clumps of dates that I analysed, two were during the bull market of 2017 and two were during the bear market of 2018. Plotting the 5 crucial dates around Mercury’s pendulum swing compared to Bitcoin’s dollar price over the same dates, I found something curious. The dates coincide with times of distinct price reversal.
The first date was from 27 July until 15 September 2017. The second was 26 November until 30 December 2017. Both of these areas of time just happen to coincide with then All Time High prices of Bitcoin, the December one being the most famous as the highest price yet achieved to date. By looking at the first date of when Mercury was at its furthest ahead of the Sun (greatest eastern elongation) and the last date as the day when Mercury is at its furthest point behind the Sun in the zodiac wheel (greatest western elongation), we can see some interesting patterns emerging in the price action of Bitcoin over that cycle of time. On both occasions, as Mercury began its gradual move back towards an exact conjunction with the Sun, the price climbed. It was an overall bull market, so nothing unusual there. After the first week in this cycle Mercury becomes stationary for a day and begins its retrograde phase, well known to many who know a little about astrology. During its three week retrograde phase, it reaches an exact conjunction with the Sun after about 18 days from the first point of reference, namely the maximum distance from the Sun. At this point Mercury is literally closest to Earth and can be seen eclipsing the Sun through a strong telescope. Mercury then passed by the Sun and it was within 4-6 days of this date that Bitcoin reached its then ATH (all time high), both in August and in December 2017. And then it crashed, or should I say retraced in price. So during two Mercury retrograde phases last year, Bitcoin’s price reached an all time high, and then just days after coming to its closest point to Earth, the price retraced, eventually all the way down to the .078 Fibonacci level, by the time it reached its other furthest point from the Sun at the other extreme pendulum swing.
Mercury retrograde coincides with Bitcoin’s price retracement
What does this tell us? Well it suggests that in a bull market, when price rallies, it climbs from Mercury’s furthest point from the Sun, and peaks around 17 days later, within the 4 to 6 days just following Mercury’s eclipse (retrograde conjunction) with the Sun and closest point to Earth, which is just days before Mercury’s stationary direct point (end of its retrograde) and then drops sharply from then on, all the way until Mercury is at the opposite furthest extreme from the Sun 13 days later. This happened in identical ways during the August and December bull runs of 2017, during Mercury’s retrogrades. However, the result was the opposite during the bear market of 2018, when Bitcoin’s price was constantly dropping. Still the same pattern was evident during both Mercury retrograde phases of April and July/Aug 2018, just in reverse to 2017. In other words when Mercury reached its furthest point from the Sun, Bitcoin’s price climbed as before, but as the very day of its stationary retrograde arrived a week later on 23 March, the day Mercury began its 3 week retrograde phase, price started dropping. And as Mercury eclipsed the Sun on 1 April, at its closest point to Earth, the price stopped dropping and hovered around a yearly lower low ($6450). It hovered there for over a week, and then just 4 days before the retrograde phase ended, Bitcoin’s price started climbing, and climbed 50% in 18 days until the very day that Mercury reached its opposite furthest point from the Sun (max elongation). Here it found resistance at the 200 day moving average around 3 May. It hovered there for four days and then dropped 40% over the next two months to the yearly lowest low around $5800. Similarly in July 2018 Bitcoin’s price climbed from Mercury’s furthest point from the Sun, and stopped within 24 hours of Mercury’s stationary retrograde day on 26 July at around $8400, then dropped 30% in 14 days to a yearly low around $5800, as it did previously in April. So as in the previous three case studies, price turned just 5 days after Mercury’s eclipse of the Sun (conjunction), which is days before the Mercury retrograde phase ends.
Here’s the revelation – Bitcoin bull market around 1 December 2018
Complex it may sound. So to summarise in layman’s terms, what it shows is that whether bull or bear market, whether the price is climbing or dropping, all four Mercury cycles studied here coincided with times in which Bitcoin’s price reversed direction from an all time high (2017) or yearly low point (2018), to start going in the other direction. What Mercury is doing in the sky – stopping and reversing its direction from Earth’s point of view – is being echoed in the Bitcoin price. The price will reverse as Mercury reverses. And in a bull market the reverse is to the downside, while in a bear market the reverse is to the upside in price. That is how it looks to me. That’s the bottom line. There is in all four cases a period of 4-6 days in the Mercury cycle, where Bitcoin’s price reaches a peak or trough, and then reverses toward the opposite direction, and that reverse is 4-6 after Mercury conjuncts/eclipses the Sun, which is 2-6 days before Mercury changes direction at the end of its retrograde phase. What Mercury is doing from our point of view, is slowing down to a stop, then retracing and it is at this very time that the Bitcoin price also stops and retraces. So knowing that this window period of a few days could be the turning point in price action, it allows a trader to look ahead to the next upcoming Mercury eclipse as a time to put in a buy or sell order, depending on the direction of the market – bull or bear. And when is that you ask? Well here is my prediction based on the above hypothesis. Mercury’s next conjunction/eclipse of the Sun is 27 November 2018, and its stationary direct moment, when it stops and turns to go directly forward again is 6 December 2018. So somewhere between those dates is the Goldilocks window, when Bitcoin’s price will change direction, and one should buy in or sell, depending on if we’re in a bull or bear market. As I write this we are of course still in the prolonged 2018 bear market, and everyone is waiting for the 4th quarter bull run, but it’s slow in coming, so maybe the window of opportunity shown by Mercury will be the turning point upward. Or maybe not. It could do the opposite. So please don’t take these experiments of mine as investment advice. Let’s do more observations. But if the past four occasions are anything to go by then there may be something in the correlation. Let’s wait and see...

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