Jesse Lund says bitcoin will be $1 million eventually, John McAfee gives a date!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #bitcoin6 years ago (edited)

If bitcoin at $1 million wasn't good enough, now we have a date!

Yesterday, Jesse Lund made headlines when he voiced his opinion that someday bitcoin would be valued at $1 million USD.

He didn't give a lot of reasons why that will happen and it appeared to be at least partly based on his preference for round numbers.

More about his prediction can be found here:

It appears Lund isn't the only one that agrees with the $1 million dollar price target.

Shortly after Lund made headlines, John McAfee took to twitter saying:

"People are waking up to the fact that Bitcoin will be $1,000 000. But when? "Someday". "Maybe 5 years". "Within a decade". I'm the only one giving you a hard date: Dec 31st, 2020."


Apparently John wasn't too satisfied with the vagaries surrounding the prediction.

He said that bitcoin will be $1 million USD by Decemeber 31st, 2020.

For those not around crypto for long, he made this prediction back in 2017, and if it doesn't happen he says he will eat his genitals on national TV.

This tweet was to reaffirm his prediction.

Interestingly enough, bitcoin is currently well below McAfee's "dickline" trend...

Check out the updated chart:


In fact, it is about $34k below!

We have about 2 years to see if he is right or not, we will see what happens.

Stay informed my friends.



Well, something really big happened, pushing of the bull market we should have seen.

Still, i am sure that we will blow by McAfee's trend line. We will see $100,000 bitcoin way soon. My only trouble is, will bitcoin go over a million before or after we really start to see the dollar crumble.

Remember, this is the year of the pig.

What happens in the year of the pig?

Basically its boom or bust for people.

The pig is happy gnoshing down at the trough getting fat.
But the pig can also eat all the food, and then die of starvation.

It almost always applies to wealth, but more appropriate is the term prosperity.

Well hopefully that applies to crypto then.

Hi @jrcornel, I will look forward to patiently, I hope the price of bitcoin will be in accordance with their predictions ... and if not then I am also ready to watch John McAfee eat his genitals on television ...haha.

I am also waiting for their forecast again, you must convey the information to us

Hopefully he ends up being right.

Do you think it will happen Corndog?

you might as well sell everything at 200k. it will take much longer than anyone can imagine for bitcoin to equal 1 million dollars.

I agree. Once bitcoin gets to $100k, it will take so much money coming in order for prices to keep going up. Yes it is 'only' a double for prices to go from $100k to $200k, but it will take several trillions of dollars worth of value to do so...

Not impossible of course, but the higher prices go the law of large numbers tends to take over...

I wonder if McAfee likes his dick poached, broiled or deep fried?

Hopefully we won't ever find out!

Our time on this earth is growing shorter by the day. The weather is changing in all areas around the world. We keep exploiting the earth and we have no regard or respect for the natural resources. Scientists predict that extreme weather will increase and eventually we will no longer be able to grow food because the ground will be depleted of essential minerals. We have Trump who is denying global warming even though science says otherwise. I feel that we don't have much time left, so I am enjoying every day while I can. I'm glad I have no children because we are putting them in a terrible situation and they will not be able to enjoy the earth as we have. The Indigenous culture always thinks about 7 generations ahead and to ensure that we don't leave any destructive marks behind. This culture lives in an ignorant and selfish way with no regard for anyone else. We might be too late to initiate any positive changes at this time. I love the idea of crypto, but we might be a lost cause at this point in time.

are you joking ? 1 million Dollar??? ……..

I´m not expecting BTC $1M in less than 5 years, but if he says so... I don´t mind!

Seems pretty crazy to think it could happen even in 5 years, but we will see I guess.

I remember buying years ago thinking it would be great to see $20k! Imagine my pleasant surprise in 2018! Same could happen again but the question really is how many would hold up until then!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Not many. Most of the holders at $20k will have been buyers over $10k probably.

oh i will hodl and accumulate!

Posted using Partiko Android

I don't think Bitcoin will be even close to 1 million USD even if value of USD crashes due to all the stupid things Trump does... After all US economy relies on Chinese people still trusting on American people... I still remember when McAfee anti-virus was the best thing there was, then became F-Secure and eventually people stopped using commercial anti-virus software because it became unnecessary due to better free alternatives.

If it does, I don't think it happens any time soon. Any time within the next 5 years anyways.

I'm pretty sure there will be more spikes in Bitcoin value, but not high enough for it to get even close to 1 million USD. As long as Bitcoin stays as PoW coin, its value is limited to certain range depending on value of other cryptocurrencies. As such total value of all cryptocurrencies will also stay within quite limited range even though the total market value will increase year by year until reaching the critical value. There will always be coins whose value will drop to zero to make room for new coins. Eventually value of Bitcoin will also drop to zero because the core code will stay the same despite all the new features that get periodically added.

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