Fork Attack - Andreas Antonopoulos ft. Friends of Satoshi

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)

"Right now, we know that Bitcoin has the largest network effect.
So, in the event of a contentious hard fork, how likely is it that bitcoin becomes obsolet, as the main currency and other currency take over by far ?"

Thats a very good question !
"How likely is it that bitcoin becomes obsolet ?"

I dont think it will become obsolet !
I think if it faces a contentious hard fork.
this is an example of things to come.

Bitcoin will be attacked... !

The Friends of Satoshi

A lesson about the questionable scenario of hard forks.
How to learn to defend against Fork attacks.

(by andreas antonopoulos in a proof of beats remix

The liquid rewards of this post will be distributed between the Members,
Creators and Supporters of the "friends of Satoshi"-collective !
The vested rewards will stay in this account.


j.breslauer & the friends of satoshi

j.bres. x FOS.jpg


I definitely will check out the youtube channel, very interesting for me, as I know not much about all this crypto-stuff. Thank you for sharing.

i do recommend to listen to andreas antonopoulos.
for beginners, political interested people and software developers who are interested into financial and economic cryptography

I am watching : Andreas Antonopoulos - Tsunami of Innovation
Very cool and easy to understand.

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