Bitcoin enter german Mainstream Media

in #bitcoin8 years ago (edited)

The ARD - Worldwide : Bitcoin - Money of the future.
On Sunday, 8th January, 2017 *Prime Time

08.01.17 | 06:29 Min.

The german public television broadcast ARD published a report on bitcoin at primetime.
The report is about a journalist visiting a crypto-congress in Prague and explaining how easy bitcoin-payments can be done. Afterwards she's visiting a bitcoin-mine on Iceland, interviewing Marco Streng, CEO of the Genesis Group. The report describes how bitcoins are mined there.

Special about this report is the positiv image which is drawn about crypto-currency in general and bitcoin in particular.

ARD Weltspiegel - Bitcoins - das Geld der Zukunft

"Welche Währung hat ihren Wert im Verhältnis zum Euro im vergangenen Jahr glatt verdoppelt?
Der Bitcoin, die digitale Onlinewährung,
mit der man im deutschen Alltag - anders als anderswo - als Zahlungsmittel noch kaum in Berührung kommt."

Which currency doubled its price compared to the Euro last year ?
Bitcoin - the digital onlinecurrency which still isn't as popular in germany as in many other places.

official link

This is a nice report with an interesting informational roundup and a great outlook.

Nevertheless here are some reasons, i want to add,
why Bitcoin is more popular today than ever before.
Even if it isn't as popular as it really deserves.

  • The Halving in july:
    In July 2016 the number of new created bitcoins per Block (every 10 minutes) has been halved to 12.5 btc / block.
    There is a noticeable effect to the markets if the supply gets reduced while the demand stays the same or even grows.

  • Bitcoin is reaching more and more countries all over the world.
    2016 a lot of countries are getting interested about bitcoin and some maybe even have real use cases for it.
    Countries in South America (Venezuela e.g.) and Africa, Turkey and especially India are discovering Bitcoin.
    This is what Bitcoin was made for.
    A global Payment system.
    The more Countries support Bitcoin the better for the whole ecosystem.
    Not only the demand goes up.
    Bitcoin is growing in utility !

  • Institutional Investors begin to consider Bitcoin as an serious investment.
    The chances are higher than ever before that maybe there will be the first Bitcoin ETF in 2017.

  • Neither china nor Russia official banned Bitcoin.

  • Fiat-currencies are becoming critically stigmatized for some good reasons.
    Most of them seem to be damned to loss in value over time.
    Bitcoin often was criticizes for its built-in deflation model.
    Its Supply-principles are standing against the established inflationary Fiat-currency-systems.

  • more Remittancetransfers.
    More and more people are choosing bitcoin because of its usability and low costs to send money to their families or friends in other countries.



I hope people haven't been googling Bitcoin today after watching the news. It will do nothing to attract them to the currency. :(
Great post though. Upvoted and followed. Looking forward to more.

thank you.
Would you explain your perception a bit ?

Okay wow! That chip is something I want ASAP! :D

...really weird

? The chip the guy had implemented into his hand and to his wallet? :P I found it cool, haha.

actually it is funny.
but i am not sure if i want to have something like this...

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