internet regulation and the effects on cryptocurrency.

in #bitcoin7 years ago

After reading and writing about internet regulation in the UK and how Theresa May and her government are hastily trying to get it passed and in law making the UK the first country to regulate cyberspace and hopefully all countries will follow suit, I have had a really weird feeling that I have been missing something, especially with regards to why they are doing it so shadily.steemit-share.png

They are claiming it is for extremism and terrorism purposes (hey isn't everything nowadays) but all week I have been saying to myself it just adds more control to big brother that's why they are doing it, however I still had it on my mind as I wasnt completely satisfied. Then last night I read a couple of things on here and a news article on facebook popped up about half an hour later and thats when it clicked.

I kept asking myself why are they pushing it so quickly, it was a day after the terrorist attack last month and she was all over it, almost the first sentence out of her mouth, yet no proof or evidence that the terrorist attack had anything to do with the use of the internet, if it was just about adding more power to big brother why are they so desperate to control it that bad. The answer is the rise in crypto currencies and the effect it is having on the city of london and the british economy as a whole.

I know you probably think I am talking shit, but think about it for a second, look at the rise of crypto in the past 3 -5 years and then look at what they are proposing, it is that every single individual person has a internet log on that they use to connect to the internet regardless of provider of wifi, once a device connects in order to operate that device on the internet they want to know who is typing or operating the device and what their id number is. They will then use all that info to find out whether you are a danger to the public or not, or at least that is what they are saying. But what they are also finding out is every single person who is laundering money or not paying taxes when making profit in cyberspace, every dodgy car dealer selling a car on ebay or gumtree and every single person who has investments in cyber currency and if they are paying taxes on the huge profits they have been making for the past however many months or years. As soon as they have you nailed down the taxman will come knocking and assets from ill gotten gains will be getting seized.

What do you think? Sound crazy?

Thanks for reading :)


Have to agree with points you are making but I think smarter people will tell her about why this would be bad especially regarding encryption where they are trying to create a "backdoor", but this means it can be used by hackers etc. With majority lost also and Grenell tower also I think they have to put priorities elsewhere :)

you would think smarter people would but the way she has been going on mate especially in france 2 weeks ago internet regulation and the scenario I proposed of how it works is literally a year or 2 away.

Totally Against the IDEA OF BAN

it's not gonna happen anyway

Thanks for sharing

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I am quite convinced that the censorship and control of the internet is the main goal of the NWO group and super liberals that love to give up theirs and others' freedoms. China a few days ago apparently cracked down on media that criticizes the government/country. I think the US is going about it slightly differently so far with that whole net neutrality thing of money deciding which websites operate quickly. I don't know a whole lot so if someone wants to add to this that'd be cool.

Oh i completely agree mate that censorship and control is the end goal, i also reckon a clean wipe of the net will take place with such things as health info etc on how to cure cancer and stuff like that will disappear. Like i said i just cant see the urgency so much and can only put the damage crypto is having ob banking in the uk as my reason.

You wonder why they wanted Brexit. They don't want to be controlled by the EU so they can make their dirty deals without been noticed or at least they think so but they want to control every person in the UK.

brexit all about getting back control of human rights and demolishing workers rights of uk citizens i would say.

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