Ideal Money: Insight in a Flash

in #bitcoin8 years ago (edited)

I really do think that we have once again missed (not just misunderstood but completely) a proposed solution/implementation by John Nash. I struggle to describe the perspective I am “standing” from/in seeing such a carefully described mechanism that, it seems obvious to me, will be seen in the future to have been not just designed but CREATED by this (genius) man.

The mechanism is NOT bitcoin (per se).

We see the level of genius Nash is described to have:

But is this just myth and legend shared among the great mathematicians and minds of our time or are these men really sincere that Nash was in a league of his own?

Cedric Villani had this to say of Nash:

...and little by little, specialists were becoming more to the point...

and...he was putting everybody to contribution, as a conductor you know,

"Hey my friend I need you to prove this and this. I think that you are the expert and you can give me this I can use it to prove something more..."

As a conductor who would give assignments you know, "Here you are the violin player you play this and this. You are the trumpet you play this and this."

Each one does their part, nobody understands the great plan except when the orchestra starts to play. And Nash had the whole plan for this.

And everyone was amazed when it was 6 months the was...putting all the people to contribution

Everyone knows this as the Nash inequality. The truth is Nash didn't prove this inequality

He asked one of his prove the inequality expert in this kind of things.

"You want this inequality, yeah let me prove it for you, here's how you do it"

"Thank you." And Nash would use it in that problem of distribution.

He was a genius in these kind of integrating parts

What does it mean to read “Ideal Money” a lecture by Nash and have the same immediate insight about this “legend”?

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